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70 Wise Islamic Captions Full of Meaning and Touching Hearts, Making Photo Posts More Memorable

70 Wise Islamic Captions Full of Meaning and Touching Hearts, Making Photo Posts More Memorable Illustration (credit: freepik) - Lately, meaningful and wise quotes are often used as captions for photo posts on social media. Using wise captions can make someone appear wiser. Among the many types, Islamic wise quotes are one of the most commonly used for photo captions. With wise Islamic captions, photo posts will become more memorable.

Similar to most wise quotes, Islamic captions also convey messages of goodness. Reading these captions can make the heart feel calm and peaceful. In addition, Islamic captions can guide someone to be closer to Allah SWT. It's no wonder that many people then post photos with this type of caption.

Interested in adding wise Islamic captions to your latest social media photo posts? According to various sources, here are some options for wise Islamic captions that can complement photo posts on your social media.


1. Wise Islamic Captions About Gratitude

Caption or photo description can be a place for someone to show their gratitude to Allah SWT. Especially if the posted photo shows a blessing, achievement, or other things that are worthy of gratitude. Here are some choices of wise Islamic captions about gratitude.

1. "Whoever does not thank for a little will not be able to thank for a lot" (HR.Ahmad).

2. "Be grateful for the limitations you have because it gives you the opportunity to improve yourself."

3. "Be grateful for all of Allah's blessings. The blessings that are visible and the blessings that are invisible. The blessings of the physical and the blessings of the spiritual."

4. "Be grateful if Allah gives you a test in life, because in doing so, Allah gives you the opportunity to become a better human being."

5. "Gratitude is the best way to feel content, even when you have less. Don't expect more before you make an effort."

6. "Whoever does not thank for a little will not be able to thank for a lot" (HR. Ahmad).

7. "It is not happiness that makes us grateful, but being grateful that makes us happy."

8. "Be happy in moderation, be sad as necessary, love in moderation, hate in moderation, and be grateful as much as possible."

9. "Complaining will only make our lives more stressful, while being grateful will always lead us to the path of ease."

10. "Indeed, if you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe." (Quran 14:7)

11. "Be grateful when you do not know something. It gives you the opportunity to learn."

12. "The most beautiful path in life is to be grateful for what we have experienced every day, without any self-regret."

13. "If Allah gives you a piece of bread, be grateful for it, because Allah does not make you beg from others to obtain it."

14. "Be grateful in both success and failure. True wealth and happiness are found in a person who is grateful."

15. "There are always more things to be grateful for than to complain about."

16. "Most of us do not appreciate what we already have, but we regret what we have not achieved."


2. Wise Islamic Captions About Life

Wise words about life are one of the most commonly used as captions. Because the words in this caption are so meaningful and full of life lessons. Here are some wise Islamic captions about life.

17. "Life is a journey, a journey from Allah and then back to Allah."

18. "There is no human being except that he is tested with safety to see how grateful he is, or tested with a disaster to see how patient he is" (Ibnu Qayyim).

19. "Know that victory comes with patience, ease comes with hardship, and difficulty comes with ease." (HR Tirmidzi).

20. "This world only has three days: Yesterday, it has gone along with everything that accompanies it. Tomorrow, you may never meet it. Today, that's what you have, so strive on this day" (Hasan al Bashri).

21. "The secret of happiness lies in 3 things: patience, gratitude, and sincerity."

22. "No distress, sadness, anxiety, or confusion that befalls a believer, or even being pricked by a thorn, except that Allah will expiate his sins" (HR Bukhari and Muslim).

23. "I have experienced all the bitterness in life, and the most bitter is hoping for mankind" (Ali bin Abi Thalib).

24. "So indeed, with hardship, there is ease" (QS Al Insyirah 5).

25. "Know the meaning of life, because with that you can feel true happiness. Life is about how we appreciate everything we still have."

26. "Happiness lies in the victory of fighting desires and restraining excessive will."

27. "Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves" (QS Ar Rad, verse 11).

28. "Life is a journey, a journey from Allah and then back to Allah."

29. "If something you love doesn't happen, then be happy with what happens" (Ali bin Abi Thalib).

30. "Every new breath that Allah allows you to take is not only a blessing but also a responsibility."


3. Wise Islamic Captions About Love

Creating captions about love is no longer a strange thing. On social media, we can easily find many people posting photos with romantic and touching love captions. Here are some wise Islamic captions about love.

31. "If I love for the sake of Allah, your love will never die."

32. "The frame of love in Islam is marriage that makes life appear simple."

33. "My prayers for you never end because I love you."

34. "The best longing to meet is when we both feast in prayer."

35. "True love does not end with death. If Allah wills, that love will continue until heaven."

36. "To die without love is the worst death of all" (Jalaluddin Rumi).

37. "Love that happens for the sake of Allah will never end" (HR.Muslim).

38. "I believe that if two people are destined to be together, no matter where they come from on earth, they will meet."

39. "Don't let your love become attachment or your hatred become destruction" (Umar bin Khattab).

40. "Our love is the best because my faith increases. You help me in this world, and that's why I want to meet you again in heaven."

41. "God never makes a mistake in giving the gift of love to His servants because a love that comes has meaning and reasons."

42. "Always take care of each other to stay close to Allah. Hopefully, we will enter heaven together."

43. "Life is only two days." One day is in your favor and one day is against you. So when it is in your favor, do not be proud and reckless; and when it is against you, be patient. Because both are tests for you" (Ali bin Abi Thalib).

44. "Allah is All-Powerful and Allah is All-Knowing, so even if you and I don't become 'us', God willing, this is the best."

45. "A person who likes to speak the truth gets three things: trust, love, and respect" (Ali bin Abi Thalib).

46. "If I don't express Your beauty in words, I keep Your love in my heart" (Jalaluddin Rumi).

47. "Allah does not burden a person beyond his capacity" (Quran Al-Baqarah, verse 286).

48. "I believe, Allah's destiny is surely the best for me and for you too."


4. Meaningful Wise Islamic Captions

Wise Islamic captions can make photo posts more special and memorable. This is because the words in the caption are so full of meaning. Here are some options for wise Islamic captions that are full of meaning.

49. "The wind does not blow to shake the trees, but to test their root strength."

50. "Life without Allah is like a blunt pencil, it has no point."

51. "Women are like flowers. They should be treated with gentleness, kindness, and love." (Ali bin Abi Thalib).

52. "If your dreams don't scare you, maybe your dreams aren't big enough." (Muhammad Ali).

53. "A person with intellect is someone who likes to receive and ask for advice." (Umar bin Khattab).

54. "The truth of something is not determined by how many people believe in it." (KH Ahmad Dahlan).

55. "The only reason we exist in this world is to bear witness to the oneness of Allah." (Buya Hamka).

56. "Make use of five things before five things come: your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before your busy schedule, your life before your death."

57. "The richest person is the one who accepts the distribution (destiny) from Allah with a happy heart." (Ali bin Husein).

5. Inspiring Islamic Wise Captions

Apparently, captions are not just supplementary sentences for photo posts. More than that, we can also find inspiration from the words in inspirational captions. Here are some inspiring Islamic captions.

58. "Think positive, no matter how hard your life is" (Ali bin Abi Thalib).

59. "Don't grieve, whatever you lose will come back in another form" (Jalaluddin Rumi).

60. "Don't explain yourself to anyone, because those who like you don't need it, and those who hate you won't believe it" (Ali bin Abi Thalib).

61. "Do not feel weak and do not be sad, for you are of the highest rank if you believe" (Quran Ali Imran: 139).

62. "Do not involve your heart in sadness over the past or you will not be ready for what is to come" (Ali bin Abi Thalib).

63. "Never feel ashamed to give, even if it is little, because not giving at all surely has less value."

64. "If we don't feel grateful for what we already have, what makes us think we would be happy with more?"

65. "Allah will help a servant as long as the servant continues to help his brother."

66. "Deal with your worldly affairs as if you will live forever. And perform your hereafter affairs as if you will die tomorrow" (HR.Ibnu Asakir).

67. "So what if our life is not perfect? This is not paradise" (Nourman Ali Khan).

68. "Thoughts will only become great and can live among us, if fought with total sacrifice" (Abu Rusyidan).

69. "If Allah gives you a piece of bread, be grateful for it, because Allah does not make you beg to others to get it."

70. "Every struggle will surely have challenges." If you are not brave enough to face challenges, don't fight. However, living alone is also a struggle" (Abdurrahman Navis).

Those are among the 70 choices of wise Islamic captions that are full of meaning. Hopefully, they are beneficial and can inspire.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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