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8 Most Delicious Types of Mangoes in Indonesia, Sweet and Refreshing

8 Most Delicious Types of Mangoes in Indonesia, Sweet and Refreshing Types of mango (credit: freepik) - Mango is one of the fruits that is widely favored in Indonesia. The unique taste of sweet and refreshing mango is very enjoyable when consumed. In addition, mango is also a fruit that contains many vitamins and is easily found in the market at an affordable price. Mango plants themselves have a stem height of more than 5 meters. As a tropical plant, it is not surprising that mangoes thrive in Indonesia.

However, did you know that mangoes have several types? Although, at first glance, mango trees have a similar shape. However, the fruits produced certainly have differences. Not only in terms of their physical shape, but also the taste and texture of each type of mango are different. Well, to increase your knowledge about mangoes, it doesn't hurt to also know the types of mangoes along with their taste and characteristics. Curious? Check out the following review.




1. Mangga Arumanis

Mangga arumanis or many people call it mangga gadung is the most popular type of mango and most people love it. This type of mango is known as the pride of Probolinggo. The characteristic of mangga arumanis is its elongated shape with pointed ends. As the name suggests, this mango does have a fragrant aroma and sweet taste. The fruit skin is green, the flesh texture is soft, and it lasts long.




2. Mangga Manalagi

Next, another popular type of mango is mangga manalagi. This mango, which originates from East Java, has the characteristic of small to medium size with thick green outer skin. Although it is not very large in size, this type of mango has thick and dense flesh. The taste of this mango is very sweet, even when enjoyed in an unripe state it is still delicious. It is no wonder that this type of mango becomes everyone's favorite.




3. Apple Mango

It is no longer strange to hear the term apple mango. Although its name is a combination of apple fruit, this type of mango has no relation to apple fruit. The name is given because this mango has a round shape like an apple. This fruit, which is known to originate from Singapore, has two types, namely red apple mango and green apple mango.

The difference between the two is not only in their color, but also in their taste. If green apple mango tends to have a sour taste and is usually more suitable for making fruit salad. Meanwhile, the red apple mango has a fragrant aroma, a soft texture, and a very sweet taste.




4. Avocado Mango

Just like apple mango, avocado mango also has no relation to avocado. However, this type of mango has a shape similar to avocado. It is known that avocado mango is the result of crossbreeding between gadung mango and honey mango. This mango is considered unique because the way to eat avocado mango is by splitting it in half and eating it with a spoon. Just like how you eat an avocado fruit.




5. Mangga Golek

Mangga golek is a type of mango that is also easily found in Indonesia. This type of mango has a distinctive elongated shape and has greenish-white spots that turn brown as it ages. The taste of this mango is sweet and has a fibrous texture. Probolinggo, Indramayu, and Pasuruan are known as areas that produce golek mangoes.




6. Mangga Madu

As the name suggests, mangga madu (honey mango) has a taste that is as sweet as honey, even if the flesh of the mango is still white. You can identify mangga madu by its bright yellow skin when ripe. This type of mango has a similar size to manalagi mangoes. Mangga madu is not only found in Indonesia, but also comes from other countries such as India, Thailand, Hawaii, Florida, and South Africa.




7. Kweni Mango

If you smell a very different aroma compared to other mangoes, it means you are smelling the aroma of Kweni Mango. This type of mango has a distinctive and refreshing aroma. The characteristic of Kweni Mango is that its flesh tends to be yellow in color and has a sweet taste. The texture of Kweni Mango is smooth and the flesh is soft. This fruit is also very delicious when made into juice.




8. Indramayu Cengkir Mango

Indramayu Cengkir Mango is a famous type of mango in the Indramayu region, West Java. This type of mango is characterized by its large size and unique fruit fibers. Its appearance is similar to Arumanis Mango, which is oval-shaped. However, Cengkir Mango has thicker skin, making it more resistant to impact and can be stored for a longer period. This mango also has a sweet and dry taste. This may be due to the hot weather in Indramayu.

Those are some of the most popular types of mangoes and favorites of many people. Which type of mango haven't you tried yet?





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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