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8 Types of Glass Used for Interior of House, Know Their Functions

8 Types of Glass Used for Interior of House, Know Their Functions (credit: pixabay) - Glass is one of the important elements used for interior. Generally, glass is used as a material for windows, tables, doors, ventilation, and so on. The function of glass is to make the dwelling not feel stuffy because behind the glass, sunlight can penetrate the room, thus saving the use of lights during the day.

Glass itself has various types according to its function. So, not all glass characteristics are the same. Therefore, when you want to use glass for interior, you also need to know the types of glass first so that it is suitable for the function and not choosing the wrong one. By choosing the right glass, automatically the condition of your interior can also undergo a very drastic change. Well, to beautify your interior, here are the types of glass along with their functions that you need to know.

1. Clear Glass

The first type of glass is clear glass. This type of glass is colorless, flat, and distortion-free, so it is also called plain glass. Therefore, this glass can produce excellent shadows of more than 90%. This type of glass is not recommended for multi-story building exteriors due to its low ability to avoid heat and sunlight. The thickness of clear glass consists of 5 mm, 6 mm, and 8 mm. The thickness is chosen according to the size that will be made. The larger the size, the thicker the glass should be.

2. Shatterproof Glass

Furthermore, the type of glass commonly used for interiors is shatterproof glass. The advantage of this type of glass is that it is very safe when it is hit. Even when this glass is hit, it does not break or scatter. This is because shatterproof glass uses a polyvinyl butyral plastic coating that gives it very high resistance. It is no wonder that this type of glass is mostly used for multi-story buildings because it is very safe to use.

3. Float Glass

Float glass is one of the recommended types of glass for interior use. Float glass itself has a clean, flat surface, so it causes dazzling reflections when exposed to light. Float glass is known to be made of sodium silicate and calcium silicate, so it is also called soda lime glass. Usually, you will find this type of glass used in front of shops, glass in public buildings, and so on.

4. Frosted Glass

Frosted glass is one of the types of glass that has a frosted appearance, hence the name frosted glass. The physical characteristic of this glass is that its outer texture is slightly rough, but the surface facing the inside of the house appears smooth.

Frosted glass is widely used for interior use because of its ability to protect the house from sunlight, so the light entering the house is not too dazzling. By using this type of glass, your house will appear more spacious compared to using solid walls.

5. Colored Glass

Colored glass is transparent glass that is added with color from a mixture of metal compounds. The addition of color can make the transparency of the glass lower. The colors are diverse, so it can also add a decorative impression to the room. This type of glass is also suitable for reducing excessive lighting that enters the house. So the room will feel cooler.

6. Stained Glass

Stained glass is a type of glass made from colorful glass fragments that are then assembled into one. It is known that the glass pieces are arranged into one using tin or brass, forming a mosaic-like pattern. It is no wonder that this type of glass is usually used for decoration.

7. Laminated Glass

Laminated glass is known to be one of the types of glass with the highest durability. This is because of its ability to withstand impact compared to ordinary glass. It is known that this glass is made from heated and suddenly cooled glass sheets. Laminated glass itself is often used as a component of buildings that require extra security. For example, balcony floors, children's and staircase railings, elevator walls, escalator railings, and so on.

8. Double Glazing Glass

Finally, the type of glass you need to know is double glazing glass. This glass consists of two or more layers of glass separated by aluminum around the edges. Double glazing glass itself can reduce the heat entering, so it is commonly used for rooms that have a significant difference with the outside, such as avoiding heat and noise.

Those are a series of glass types along with their functions that you need to know. So, make sure to consider them carefully before making a purchase.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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