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Al Qariah Meaning Judgment Day, Along with the Contents and Virtues of the Surah

Al Qariah Meaning Judgment Day, Along with the Contents and Virtues of the Surah Illustration (credit: pixabay) - Surah Al-Qariah is one of the short surahs in the Quran. Surah Al-Qariah means the Day of Judgment, this verse tells about the end times along with the division of places in heaven or hell by Allah SWT. Surah Al-Qariah is the 101st surah in the Quran, consisting of 11 verses and included in the Makkiyah surahs.

This is because Surah Al-Qariah was revealed in the city of Mecca. The word Al-Qariah in Surah Al-Qariah comes from the word qara'a which means to knock. This is because the deafening sound caused by the destruction of the universe is so loud that it is like knocking and deafening the ears and even the hearts and minds of humans.

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The main content of this surah is the events on the Day of Judgment, namely humans scattered, mountains collapsing, human deeds weighed, and the threat of Hell Hawiyah. It is at that time that there is extraordinary fear and confusion as a result of the sound that is like a loud knock.

Here are the meaning of Surah Al-Qariah, along with the contents of Surah Al-Qariah and the virtues of reading Surah Al-Qariah. Check it out.



1. Meaning of Surah Al Qariah

Here is Surah Al Qariah, which is the 101st Surah in the Quran, consisting of 11 verses that explain what the Day of Judgment is and what the process is like. Here is the content of Surah Al Qariah along with its meaning:

1. "Al Qariah"

Meaning: The Day of Judgment.

2. "Mal qari'ah"

Meaning: What is the Day of Judgment?

3. "Wa ma adraka mal qari'ah"

Meaning: And do you know what the Day of Judgment is?

4. "Yauma yakunun nasu kal farasyil mabsus"

Meaning: On that day, people will be like scattered moths.

5. "Wa takunul jibalu kal'ihnil manfusy"

Meaning: And the mountains will be like wool that is scattered.

6. "Fa amma man saqulat mawazinuh"

Meaning: As for the one whose scales (of good deeds) are heavy.

7. "Fa huwa fi 'isyatir radiyah"

Meaning: He will be in a life that is pleasing (happy).

8. "Wa amma man khaffat mawazinuh"

Meaning: And as for the one whose scales (of good deeds) are light.

9. "Fa ummuhu hawiyah"

Meaning: His refuge will be an abyss (Hell) called Hawiyah.

10. "Wa ma adraka ma hiyah"

Meaning: And do you know what Hawiyah is?

11. "Narun hamiyah"

Meaning: It is a blazing fire.


2. Contents of Al-Qariah

Not only do you need to know the meaning of Surah Al Qariah, but you also need to know the contents of the Surah which tells about the day of judgement. Here are some of the contents of Surah Al Qariah:

1. Surah Al Qariah verses (1-3)

These verses in Surah Al Qariah contain a warning about the coming of the day of judgement, and a question about what the day of judgement is. The question is not a lack of knowledge from Allah SWT, but rather to draw the attention of anyone who listens.

2. Surah Al Qariah verses (4-5)

The content of verses 4-5 in Surah Al Qariah explains the events that will occur on the day of judgement. People will be in a state of panic, fear and confusion. They will run aimlessly, making them look like scattered ants.

Among the commentators, some explain the meaning of ants as moths, which are flying creatures that fly aimlessly, not knowing whether they will survive or perish. Others interpret ants as small insects that often roam around lights.

Meanwhile, mountains are depicted as scattered feathers. Mountains are heavy material and feathers are very light. One can imagine the severity of the day of judgement at that time, so that mountains are likened to feathers that are scattered, making people confused.

We usually think that one erupting volcano has made people confused, looking for protection and a safe place, they evacuate and leave their belongings. What if all the mountains erupt and release hot lava? It will certainly create an uncertain situation.

3. Surah Al Qariah verses (6-9)

The content of verses 6-9 in Surah Al Qariah explains the existence of two groups of people, namely those who have a heavier good deed scale and those who have a lighter good deed scale. After the day of judgement, there is what is called Yaumul Ba'ast which means the day when people are resurrected from the grave. The meaning of Ba'ast is to rise, while Yaumul Mahsyar is the gathering of people in the field of Mahsyar, after which people receive a record of their deeds during their life on earth. With that record, people are accounted for or their deeds are counted and weighed for everything they did during their life on earth.

After that, people will receive the reward for all their actions in the world on the day of Yaumul Jaza', so that those who have more good deeds will receive the honor of being admitted to heaven. And conversely, those who have little good deeds will be put into the Hawiyah Hellfire.

4. Al-Qariah Verse (10-11)

And the meaning of verses 10-11 in Al-Qariah explains about the Hawiyah Hellfire. Hawiyah means descending. So, those who have little good deeds will be put by Allah SWT into the Hawiyah Hellfire, which is a place with hot and boiling fire.


3. The Virtues of Surah Al-Qariah

After knowing that Al-Qariah means about the Day of Judgment. So, what are the virtues of reciting Al-Qariah regularly? There are several extraordinary virtues in this Al-Qariah surah. And here are some of the virtues of the Al-Qariah surah:

1. As a reminder of the Day of Judgment

Just like its meaning, the Al-Qariah surah has contents about the Day of Judgment. The Al-Qariah surah explains about what will happen on the Day of Judgment. So, reciting this surah will be a reminder for us about the terrible events on the Day of Judgment.

2. Announcing about Heaven and Hellfire

Then, the virtue of the Al-Qariah surah next is to become an explanation of the establishment that human beings will be divided into two groups on the Day of Judgment. This division depends on their deeds during their lives in the world. In this reckoning, humans who have the most good deeds will get Allah SWT's Heaven, and conversely, humans who have few good deeds will get Hellfire.

3. Becoming a Good Deed

Every surah in the Quran that is recited will become a good deed for those who recite it. Just like the Al-Qariah surah, which also becomes a good deed for those who recite it, Prophet Muhammad SAW said:

"Whoever recites this surah (Al-Qariah), then Allah will make his good deeds heavy on the Day of Judgment. And whoever writes it and hangs it on someone who has bad luck from his family and servants, then Allah will open up his goodness and sustenance." (Tafsir Al-Burhan, Juz 8: 368)

4. Avoiding the Dajjal's Temptation and Hellfire

And the last virtue of the Al-Qariah surah is that it can become a prayer to avoid the Dajjal's temptation and the Hellfire. Yes, the temptation of Dajjal is a heavy burden that humans will face. Therefore, increasing good deeds to stay away from the temptation of Dajjal is the best thing to do. From Abi Ja'far's words:

"Whoever reads and increases the reading of Surah Al-Qariah, then Allah will give him safety from the temptation of Dajjal, from believing in him, and from the blowing of hellfire on the Day of Judgment, God willing." (Tsawabul A'mal: 155)

That is the meaning of Surah Al-Qariah, which refers to the Day of Judgment. Not only knowing the meaning of Surah Al-Qariah, but KLovers can also know the contents and virtues of reading Surah Al-Qariah.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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