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Biography of KH Ahmad Dahlan, Founder of Muhammadiyah Organization, Learn His Thoughts

Biography of KH Ahmad Dahlan, Founder of Muhammadiyah Organization, Learn His Thoughts Biografi KH Ahmad Dahlan (credit: flickr) - There are many names of National Heroes that we need to know and always remember their contributions. KH Ahmad Dahlan is one of them. KH Ahmad Dahlan is a National Hero as well as an Islamic religious figure who founded Muhammadiyah. To find out how big his role and contribution to Indonesia, you can read his biography.

Biography of KH Ahmad Dahlan can be an interesting and certainly useful reading. Because, the life story of KH Ahmad Dahlan is full of struggles. Besides emulating his struggle, we can also learn a lot about the history of struggle and movement through the life story of KH Ahmad Dahlan that is contained in his biography.

So, what is the life story of KH Ahmad Dahlan? Instead of being curious, let's just read the following review.


1. Personal Life of KH Ahmad Dahlan

KH Ahmad Dahlan was born on August 1, 1868, in Kauman, Yogyakarta in 1868. Kauman is a settlement designated for religious officials in the native government. KH Ahmad Dahlan was born with the name Raden Ngabehi Ngabdul Darwis, who later became better known as Muhammad Darwisy.

KH Ahmad Dahlan was born into a family of ulama. His father was an ulama named K.H. Abu Bakar bin K.H. Sulaiman. Ahmad Dahlan's father was also a khatib at the Great Mosque of Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, Ahmad Dahlan's mother, Siti Aminah, was the daughter of a penghulu kesultanan official named H. Ibrahim bin K.H. Hassan.

Not stopping there, if his lineage is traced upwards, KH Ahmad Dahlan is also the twelfth descendant of Maulana Malik Ibrahim, a great saint and a prominent figure among the Wali Songo who played a role in spreading Islam.

Born into a family of ulama, KH Ahmad Dahlan grew up with good character. KH Ahmad Dahlan was also known for his intelligence. At the age of 8, he was already able to read the Quran fluently. The guidance of his parents also made KH Ahmad Dahlan grow up to be a responsible child. He became a role model and leader among his friends.

The change of name from Muhammad Darwis to Ahmad Dahlan occurred after he returned from the Holy Land. Upon returning from the Holy Land, KH Ahmad Dahlan also married Siti Walidah, the daughter of Kyai Penghulu Haji Fadhil, who later became known as Nyai Ahmad Dahlan, a National Hero and the leader of Aisyiyah.

From his marriage, KH Ahmad Dahlan had six children, namely Djohanah, Siradj Dahlan, Siti Busyro, Irfan Dahlan, Siti Aisyah, Siti Zaharah. In addition, Ahmad Dahlan also married Nyai Abdullah, Abdullah's widow. Besides Siti Walidah, KH Ahmad Dahlan also married Nyai Rum, Munawwir Krapyak's sister and Nyai Yasin Pakualaman Yogyakarta.

At the beginning of his married life, KH Ahmad Dahlan and his family lived very modestly. KH Ahmad Dahlan supported his family by trading with capital provided by his father, in addition to actively teaching the Quran. Until one day, Bu KH Ahmad Dahlan passed away in 1890, followed by his father in 1986. Since then, KH Ahmad Dahlan's life has become increasingly difficult.

Not only for himself and his family, KH Ahmad Dahlan also replaced his father as Khatib Amin, so he was called Khatib Amin Haji Ahmad Dahlan. The appointment of KH Ahmad Dahlan as Khatib Amin was made by the palace itself. Thus, KH Ahmad Dahlan's role as an ulama and a community leader became more legitimate.


2. Education and Career of KH Ahmad Dahlan

Looking at his family background, it was only right for KH Ahmad Dahlan to have access to education. However, in reality, KH Ahmad Dahlan did not attend formal school when he was young. This was influenced by the attitude of Muslims at that time who prohibited their children from entering government schools.

K.H. Ahmad Dahlan then received education through guidance and teaching of the Quran by his own father. After growing up, KH Ahmad Dahlan delved into religious studies with several great scholars. Thanks to his perseverance and intelligence, KH Ahmad Dahlan mastered various Islamic knowledge.

When he turned 15 in 1883, with the approval of Kyai Ketib Amin, Darwis wanted to increase his knowledge of religion in Mecca, the center of Islamic knowledge, while also performing the fifth pillar of Islam. KH Ahmad Dahlan went to Mecca at the expense of K.H. Muhammad Saleh. His trip to Mecca expanded KH Ahmad Dahlan's knowledge and interacted with Islamic reformist thinkers such as Muhammad Abduh, Al-Afghani, Rashid Rida, and Ibn Taymiyyah.

After completing the Hajj pilgrimage, KH Ahmad Dahlan increased his social activities. KH Ahmad Dahlan opened a learning class by building a boarding school where students could learn general knowledge such as Falaq science, Tawhid science, and Tafsir. In addition, he also communicated intensively with various intellectual scholars and movement groups such as Budi Utomo and Jamiat Khair.

In 1903, KH Ahmad Dahlan went to Mecca again. This time he stayed for two years. During his second stay, he met and held discussions with several Indonesian scholars who lived in Mecca. Until old age, KH Ahmad Dahlan always had a desire to increase his knowledge.

KH Ahmad Dahlan visited many boarding schools in Java. During his visits, KH Ahmad Dahlan conveyed various renewal ideas that he obtained while studying in the Middle East. This is what later encouraged KH Ahmad Dahlan to establish the Muhammadiyah organization.

On November 18, 1912, KH Ahmad Dahlan officially founded the Muhammadiyah organization in Yogyakarta. The Muhammadiyah organization founded by K.H. Ahmad Dahlan is an organization that works in the fields of community and education. The purpose of this organization is to spread the teachings of the Prophet to the people.

Previously, in 1911, KH Ahmad Dahlan had established the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Diniyah Islamiyah school. This school not only taught Quranic recitation, but also modern education by combining traditional and general education. It aimed to elevate the indigenous people and advance Islamic religion to its members.


3. KH Ahmad Dahlan's Thoughts

KH Ahmad Dahlan is admired for his thoughts. KH Ahmad Dahlan's ideas are based on his experiences of learning in various places such as Mecca and Cairo. So when K.H. Ahmad Dahlan learned in these places, he met many Islamic reformist figures.

Furthermore, KH Ahmad Dahlan's thoughts developed from his concern about the global situation and conditions of the Muslim community at that time, which were sinking into stagnation, ignorance, and underdevelopment due to Dutch colonialism.

The concept of Muhammadiyah carries all thoughts and ideas emphasizing the purification of Islamic teachings and education. In this regard, KH Ahmad Dahlan believed that Islamic education should be directed towards efforts to shape Muslim individuals with good morals, knowledgeable in religion, have a broad perspective and understanding of worldly knowledge, and are willing to fight for the progress of their society.

KH Ahmad Dahlan's ideas for renewal in education are still felt today. According to KH Ahmad Dahlan, education is a strategic effort to save the Muslim community from static thinking patterns. For KH Ahmad Dahlan, education must be able to increase sharp analytical skills in the dynamics of life in the future.

That is among the biography of KH Ahmad Dahlan. Hopefully, it can be useful and add insight!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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