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Celebrity-Filled, Here are the Highlights of the Exciting Wardah Beauty Fest 2020 for Two Days

Celebrity-Filled, Here are the Highlights of the Exciting Wardah Beauty Fest 2020 for Two Days credit via vidio - Virtual event has become the only entertainment that can be enjoyed during the lifestyle change at home for the past few months. Especially if the event is filled with celebrities and new inspiration, it will definitely make the moment at home worthwhile. You can experience this excitement from the Wardah Beauty Fest 2020, which was held on October 3-4, 2020.

It was broadcasted via live streaming on Vidio from 11.00 AM to 8.00 PM WIB, this grand virtual event, which was also a celebration of Wardah's 25th anniversary, featured a series of inspirational women in the country who shared their experiences to make you ready to face the world with your beauty.

So, what were the highlights of Wardah Beauty Fest 2020 for these two days? Let's take a look at the recap!

First Day

Since the opening day, the audience was presented with various interesting things such as inspirational talk shows, launching of new products, and a closing live performance that was definitely entertaining.

1. Drawing Inspiration from Women as Agents of Change

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Wardah Beauty Fest 2020 opened with an inspirational talk show titled "Inspiration in Initiatives" which brought together great women. They were Nurhayati Subakat (Founder of PT Paragon Technology and Innovation), Atalia Ridwan Kamil (Wife of West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil), Najelaa Shihab (Indonesian education activist), and Alamanda Shantika (Founder of Binar Academy).

This session provided many new insights from Mrs. Nurhayati who is known as one of the successful businesswomen in Indonesia. There were many ups and downs that Mrs. Nurhayati went through in building her business until she succeeded today. He has just released a biography book entitled Meaningful Life with 5 Characters. The five characters are Divinity, Care, Humility, Resilience, and Innovation.

"We hold a coaching family because those who join here are my family. Family in business. We hold coaching. We discuss and find the 5 characters that apparently have been in our company, family, and team," he said, recounting the process of finding the five characters.

2. Marathon Talkshow that Makes You Super Excited!

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After opening with a talkshow session that tells the success story of the founder of Wardah, the viewers of Wardah Beauty Fest 2020 who enjoy this event from home are spoiled with various marathon talkshows that are super exciting. Starting from discussing beauty trends with beauty experts like Dr. Sari Chaerunissa, Neelam Muizuddin, Tasya Farasya, and also Affi Assegaf.

Tasya Farasya herself also gave her prediction for the upcoming makeup trends. She explained, "Now as someone who does reviews, you can't just say it's really good, you have to try it. I usually explain why it's good for you, what's in it, what are its advantages compared to other products. Because people want to know more. Especially during the PSBB, many people want to look beautiful. Now there are many makeup hybrids that are not only beautiful but also beneficial," said Tasya.

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Next, inspiration also comes for those of you who want to become content creators! Together with Zaskia Sungkar, Azzura Pongai, and Suhay Salim, Wardah Beauty Fest 2020 dissects how to become a content creator who not only chases viewers but also provides useful content. Azzura Pongai, who serves as the Country Strategic Partnership Manager for YouTube Indonesia, gave her professional advice for you.

“Always check the community guideline. We create guidelines about what is allowed and what is not. Then, before posting, ask yourself. If my child or my family watches this, is it safe? What impact does it have? Maybe also learn from other creators. Monetization is not limited to adsense,” explained Azzura.

3. Launching the Newest Signature Series with Tatjana Saphira

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Here is one of the most anticipated moments for loyal beauty enthusiasts who watch the excitement of Wardah Beauty Fest 2020. Yup, especially the launch of the newest signature series, the Wardah Hydra Rose Series. This product itself has two main ingredients, namely 72 Hours Hydrating Active and Avalanche Rose Oil which provide hydration and increase the moisture content in the skin for 72 hours and can lock in skin moisture.

As a Brand Ambassador for Wardah who has tried this product, Tatjana admitted that this signature series is a skincare product that suits her skin needs very well.

“Alhamdulillah I am very happy, I got the privilege to try this product before the launch. Turns out it's very suitable for my skin. If I had to choose a favorite, I really like the Petal Infused Toner because it contains real rose petals and when applied, it makes the skin fresher and more moisturized. This supports the next skincare application to penetrate better,” Tatjana explained.

Second Day

The second day of Wardah Beauty Fest 2020 was also exciting. There were various exciting events that shouldn't be missed. There are launching programs, launching products, jamming sessions, and a series of inspirational talkshows.

1. Launching Wardah Scholarship Program

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Wardah never stops bringing inspiration, especially for Indonesian women. As proof, Wardah Beauty Fest 2020 was opened with the Launching Wardah Scholarship Program event, which was attended by an extraordinary lineup of speakers. Among them were Suci Hendrina, Prof. Dr. Rina Indiastuti, S.E, M.SIE., Nyoman Anjani, S.T., Nadia Nur Amalina, and Brand Ambassador Amanda Rawles who expressed the importance of education for her.

"Education helps me to think critically. Education helps each other and helps in achieving jobs," said Amanda Rawles.

2. Jamming Session with Chiki Fawzi

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After the launching of Wardah Scholarship Program, Wardah Beauty Fest 2020 continued with a Jamming Session with the beautiful Chiki Fawzi. She performed her own cool songs and some cool cover songs, such as "Bulan di Telinga", "Cinta", "Time After Time", "Bandara", and "Fine Today". Chiki also expressed her hopes for Wardah on its 25th birthday.

"I hope Wardah will always be able to spread goodness for Indonesian women," said Chiki.

3.Product Launch: Wardah Exclusive Matte Lip Cream X Ayang Cempaka

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The second day of Wardah Beauty Fest 2020 became even more special thanks to the agenda of Product Launch: Wardah Exclusive Matte Lip Cream X Ayang Cempaka. Attended by Ayang Cempaka, Dewi Sandra, Pravita, Dr. Nadhira Afifa, and Husna Sari Razanah who shared many things. One of them is Dewi Sandra who expressed her pride in Wardah because it has never hesitated to bring brilliant collaborations, like with Ayang Cempaka.

"Wardah has stolen the hearts of Indonesian women from the beginning." The more collaboration there is, especially in October. Wardah always dares to explore and collaborate with anyone," said Dewi Sandra.

4. Exciting and Inspirational Talk Shows

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Just like the first day, Wardah Beauty Fest 2020 was also filled with several inspirational talk shows that discussed various interesting topics with credible speakers. There were a total of three themes, namely Financial & Stress Management: Keep It Manageable, Health & Wellness: Do Good, Feel Good Look Good, and Women Empower Women.

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Financial & Stress Management: Keep It Manageable brought in three speakers. Among them are Analisa Widyaningrum, Prita Ghozie, and Tiqasya. On this occasion, they shared the importance of Indonesian women being able to manage their finances and stress well. For example, Prita Ghozie gave insight that financial planning is not only about investments.

"Planning your finances is not just about investments, but also about SIP, which is Saving, Investing, Protection." Saving, we must still have savings. It can come in various forms and one of them is investment or investing. But sometimes in life there are things that we can't control, that's why you need protection," explained Prita when asked about financial planning at the Wardah Beauty Fest 2020 event.

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Then there is also the topic of Health & Wellness: Do Good, Feel Good Look Good which presents the beautiful artists Raline Shah, Laila Munaf, and also Andra Alodita. Want to know what Raline Shah says about being a woman who does good, feels good, and looks good?

"I always believe that being healthy is beautiful. So if we are healthy from the inside, like mentally healthy, physically healthy, spiritually healthy, we also have to take care of our energy. This awareness is what makes us look good. Now if everything is balanced, it will make us feel good. Once you feel good, and you will look good and the love that we have for ourselves will overflow wherever we can feel reconnected with our surroundings," said Raline.

The third talk show raised the topic of Women Empower Women, which was once again attended by Brand Ambassador Wardah, Dewi Sandra, along with Susan Carland. On that occasion, Dewi Sandra gave a positive message to women to strengthen each other in difficult times like now.

"Certainly, we will all become women who are capable of facing the world, and don't forget that Wardah will always accompany our steps in getting to know ourselves," said Dewi Sandra

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That was the excitement of the two-day Wardah Beauty Fest 2020 held in commemoration of Wardah's 25th anniversary. Thank you Wardah for accompanying Indonesian women with various quality products. Once again, happy anniversary Wardah! Want to know about Wardah's flagship products? Check it out here! (wri/mki)



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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