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Check the List of Joint Leave Dates for December 2024 for Nataru Holidays

Check the List of Joint Leave Dates for December 2024 for Nataru Holidays Holiday illustration. (Credit: Pixabay/u_rvx98wwg0b) - December 2024 will be a month full of joy for many people who have planned year-end holidays! For workers, the government's decision regarding joint leave provides a golden opportunity to enjoy the special moments of Christmas and New Year more freely.

Based on the Joint Decree of 3 Ministers, the government has established several awaited public holidays, including national holidays and joint leave. One of the most anticipated dates is Christmas Day, which falls on December 25, 2024, coinciding with Wednesday. Not only that, the joint leave for Christmas on December 26, 2024, adds to the festivities, creating opportunities for a long holiday at the end of the year.

With this long holiday, many people start planning vacation trips or returning home to celebrate Christmas and New Year with loved ones. For companies, the arrangement of joint leave also becomes a strategic moment to plan more structured holiday times, especially in sectors that are usually busy towards the end of the year.

1. Public Holidays in December 2024

  • December 25 (Wednesday): Christmas Day
  • December 26 (Thursday): Joint Christmas Leave

December 25 and 26 become a long-awaited holiday moment for many people. Christmas Day is a national holiday celebrated by Christians, while the joint leave on December 26 provides extra time for workers to enjoy the holiday atmosphere.

In addition to the national holiday and joint leave, December 2024 also has several public holidays falling on weekends, namely:

  • December 1 (Sunday)
  • December 8 (Sunday)
  • December 15 (Sunday)
  • December 22 (Sunday)
  • December 29 (Sunday)

These weekends will provide additional holiday time for those who have planned trips or want to enjoy some relaxation.

2. Planning a Holiday with Joint Leave

The government has opened up golden opportunities for workers to experience the joy of joint leave on December 26. This is a perfect chance for those who want to extend their holiday moments by utilizing their annual leave.

This long holiday is not just a time to relax, but also a precious moment to gather with family or plan adventures to dream vacation destinations.

However, don't forget to plan everything carefully so that your holiday goes smoothly without interruptions from administrative matters or unfinished work!

3. What are the public holidays and joint leave in December 2024?

In the festive atmosphere, we will celebrate Christmas Day on December 25, followed by Joint Leave for Christmas on December 26.

Not only that, but a fun weekend also awaits us on December 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, making this month perfect for gathering with family and celebrating happiness.

4. Can joint leave be used for out-of-town vacations?

Joint leave is indeed a golden opportunity to plan an exciting vacation out of town!

However, before you pack your bags and get ready for an adventure, don't forget to ensure that your leave application complies with the policies of your company or institution.

5. How to make the most of the year-end holidays?

Take advantage of this year-end holiday moment to plan exciting adventures with family, complete any tasks that have been neglected, or simply relax and enjoy the warmth of home.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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