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Does Speaking Roughly or Vulgarity Nullify Fasting? Here Are the Facts

Does Speaking Roughly or Vulgarity Nullify Fasting? Here Are the Facts Illustration of anger (copyright/canva) - The month of Ramadan is a blessed time for Muslims, where they have the opportunity to perform fasting and draw closer to Allah SWT. In addition to abstaining from hunger and thirst, this holy month also teaches us to control ourselves from various negative behaviors, including inappropriate speech.

However, a common question arises: does speaking roughly or using vulgar words nullify fasting? Many are curious, especially when in everyday situations someone inadvertently utters inappropriate words. Let us reflect together, so that our worship becomes more meaningful and full of wisdom in this holy month.

1. Guarding the Tongue and Speech in Islam

In Islamic teachings, guarding the tongue and speech is crucial, especially during the fasting period. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has provided many guidelines about the importance of this, as harsh and foul words clearly contradict the essence of fasting, which is to restrain desires and control oneself.

Nevertheless, the ruling on whether speaking harshly invalidates the fast remains a debate among Muslims. Therefore, let us discuss this further based on Islamic teachings and explanations from scholars.

According to scholars, speaking harshly is highly discouraged, especially during the month of Ramadan. However, it is important to understand that while harsh words do not directly invalidate the fast, such actions are still considered violations that can diminish the rewards of fasting. By understanding this, Muslims are expected to guard their tongues and improve their morals, so that their fasting can be accepted and bring blessings.

2. The Law of Speaking Roughly in Islam

In Islamic teachings, harsh and foul words are considered behavior that is highly disliked by Allah SWT, as expressed in Surah An-Nisa verse 148, which emphasizes that Allah does not like bad speech, except from those who are wronged. The behavior of speaking roughly clearly contradicts the principles of patience and self-control taught in Islam, especially during the act of fasting.

The Prophet Muhammad SAW also emphasized the importance of guarding one's tongue at all times.

In a hadith narrated by Ahmad, he said, "A believer is not one who curses, insults, or speaks foul and harshly."

This hadith shows that harsh words are not only inappropriate but also damage the quality of a Muslim's worship.

When speaking roughly, one not only violates ethics in Islam, but can also affect the essence of fasting itself, which teaches believers to restrain all forms of desires, including anger and words that hurt others.

3. Does Swearing Break the Fast?

Swearing does not directly nullify the fast according to Islamic jurisprudence. What truly breaks the fast are actions related to the entry or exit of substances from the two bodily openings, such as eating, drinking, or sexual intercourse. Therefore, although swearing is not categorized as something that nullifies the fast, its impact is much deeper.

Even though the fast remains valid, swearing can ruin the reward of the fast itself. Why? Because the essence of fasting is to control oneself and improve character, including guarding one’s speech. By uttering harsh words, a Muslim not only damages social relationships but also misses the opportunity to gain greater rewards during this holy month.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) reminded us that for those who are still caught up in bad words and disgraceful actions, even though their fast is not invalidated, Allah does not need them to refrain from eating and drinking. This emphasizes the importance of maintaining our behavior and words while performing the act of fasting.

4. Rude Words Can Reduce the Reward of Fasting

Although fasting is not invalidated by rude speech, inappropriate words can diminish the reward that should be received. Fasting is not just about abstaining from hunger and thirst, but also about restraining oneself from all negative actions. Every word spoken can become a barrier for us to attain the full rewards of this worship.

In Islam, the attitude of mutual respect and speaking kindly is an important part that can enhance the quality of our worship. Therefore, maintaining our speech and avoiding bad words is an obligation for every Muslim, especially during the holy month of Ramadan.

By controlling our speech, we not only strive to gain abundant rewards but also strengthen our relationships with others and draw closer to Allah SWT, making our fasting more meaningful and blessed.

5. Why is It Important to Guard Our Speech While Fasting?

Keeping the tongue in check while fasting is not just about avoiding harsh or foul words, but it is also an important step to enhance patience and sincerity in performing worship. In the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims strive to cleanse themselves from all sins, and guarding the tongue is one effective way to achieve that goal.

Inappropriate words can damage relationships and potentially lead to worse actions. Therefore, maintaining control over our speech is highly recommended so that we remain focused on the essence of fasting, which is to improve ourselves and draw closer to Allah.

With kind words, a Muslim can create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere, in line with the spirit of Ramadan. Fasting will feel more meaningful when accompanied by positive behavior, including guarding the tongue from inappropriate speech.

6. Steps to Guard the Tongue During Ramadan

To keep the tongue in check during the month of Ramadan, it is first important to always strive to speak with kind and wise words. Avoid speaking harshly, cursing, or hurting others' feelings.

Secondly, try to practice controlling anger, especially when faced with situations that could trigger harsh words. Thirdly, use this opportunity to increase prayers and istighfar, as a form of repentance and self-improvement.

Additionally, Muslims can read more of the Quran and engage in dhikr to maintain focus and keep the heart clean. By guarding the tongue and behavior, fasting becomes more meaningful and brings blessings, both for oneself and for others.

7. FAQ

1. Does speaking harshly invalidate fasting?

No, speaking harshly does not directly invalidate fasting. However, it is still prohibited in Islam because it contradicts the purpose of fasting, which teaches self-control.

2. What should be avoided during the month of Ramadan besides eating and drinking?

In addition to eating and drinking, Muslims are advised to avoid bad speech, such as harsh words, cursing, or lying.

3. What happens if someone speaks harshly while fasting?

Although it does not invalidate fasting, speaking harshly can reduce the reward of fasting and undermine the main goal of fasting, which is to improve character and restrain desires.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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