Kapanlagi.com - Asmaul Husna is the names of Allah SWT. There are 99 names of Allah SWT in Asmaul Husna, one of which is Al Aziz. Each name of Allah SWT has a meaning, including the meaning of Al Aziz. And the meaning of Al Aziz itself is The Almighty or The Most Noble.
Asmaul Husna represents the perfect attributes of Allah SWT. However, there are differences of opinion among scholars regarding the number of Asmaul Husna. Some argue that there are hundreds or even thousands of them, while others believe that there are only dozens.
For KLovers who want to delve into Asmaul Husna and the meaning of Al Aziz, here is an explanation of the meaning of Al Aziz and also the Asmaul Husna along with its meaning, which has been compiled from various sources.
1. Meaning of Al Aziz

Meaning of Al Aziz (credit: Pexels)
As previously explained, the meaning of Al Aziz is one of the names of Allah SWT. The meaning of Al Aziz itself is the Almighty or the Most Noble. Allah is the Almighty, not defeated by anything, and All-Powerful. The name Al Aziz itself is one of the most beautiful names of Allah SWT that shows His power and glory.
It is known that the meaning of Al Aziz or the almightiness of Allah SWT encompasses three aspects. First, the essential and incomparable substance. Then the second is the highly needed substance. And the third is the substance that is very difficult to attain. Of course, only Allah SWT fulfills these three aspects.
2. Asmaul Husna

Asmaul Husna (credit: Pexels)
In addition to the meaning of Al Aziz, there are several Asmaul Husna that you can know along with their meanings. There are 99 names of Allah SWT or Asmaul Husna that are currently believed and known. And it can be knowledge for you to memorize. Here are some names of Allah SWT or Asmaul Husna along with their meanings:
1. Ar Rahman: The Most Compassionate
2. Ar Rahiim: The Most Merciful
3. Al Malik: The Sovereign
4. Al Quddus: The Most Holy
5.As Salaam: The Bestower of Peace
6.Al Mu'min: The Giver of Security
7.Al Muhaimin: The Protector
8.Al Aziz: The Mighty
9.Al Jabbar: The Compeller
10.Al Mutakabbir: The Majestic
11. Al Ahad: The One and Only
68.As Shamad: The Self-Sufficient
69.Al Qaadir: The All-Determining
70.Al Muqtadir: The All-Powerful
71.Al Muqaddim: The Expediter
72.Al Mu'akkhir: The Delayer
73.Al Awwal: The First
74. Al Aakhir: The Last
75.Az Zhaahir: The Manifest
76.Al Baathin: The Hidden
77.Al Waali: The Governor
78.Al Muta'aalii: The Most High
79.Al Barru: The Generous
80.At Tawwaab: The Accepter of Repentance
81. Al Muntaqim: The Avenger
82. Al Afuww: The Forgiver
83. Ar Ra'uuf: The Nurturer
84. Malikul Mulk: The Owner of Sovereignty
85. Dzul Jalaali Wal Ikraam: The Possessor of Majesty and Honor
86. Al Muqsith: The Equitable
87. Al Jamii': The Gatherer
88. Al Ghaniyy: The Rich
89. Al Mughnii: The Enricher
90. Al Maani: The Preventer
91. Ad Dhaar: The Inflictor of Harm
92. An Nafii: The Bestower of Benefits
93. An Nuur: The Illuminating
94. Al Haadii: The Guide
95. Al Badii': The Originator
96. Al Baaqii: The Everlasting
97. Al Waarits: The Inheritor
98. Ar Rasyiid: The Wise
99. As Shabuur: The Patient
That is the meaning of Al Aziz that KLovers can know as one of the names of Allah SWT. Not only the meaning of Al Aziz, but KLovers can also know the special names of Allah SWT or the beautiful names along with their meanings.
Al Khaliq: The Creator
12.Al Baari: The Evolver
13.Al Mushawwir: The Fashioner
14.Al Ghaffaar: The Forgiver
15.Al Qahhaar: The Subduer
16.Al Wahhaab: The Bestower
17.Ar Razzaaq: The Provider
18. Al Fattaah: The Opener of Doors
19.Al 'Aliim: The All-Knowing
20.Al Qaabidh: The Constrictor
21.Al Baasith: The Expander
22.Al Khaafidh: The Abaser
23.Ar Raafi: The Exalter
24.Al Mu'izz: The Honorer
25. Al Mudzil: The One Who Humiliates
26. Al Samii: The All-Hearing
27. Al Bashiir: The All-Seeing
28. Al Hakam: The Judge
29. Al 'Adl: The Just
30. Al Lathiif: The Gentle
31. Al Khabiir: The All-Knowing
32. Al Haliim: The Forbearing
33. Al 'Azhiim: The Mighty
34. Al Ghafuur: The Forgiving
35. As Syakuur: The Grateful
36. Al 'Aliy: The Most High
37. Al Kabiir: The Great
38. Al Hafizh: The Protector
39. Al Muqiit: The Sustainer
40. Al Hasiib: The Reckoner
41. Al Jaliil: The Sublime
42. Al Kariim: The Generous
43. Ar Raqiib: The Watcher
44. Al Mujiib: The Responsive
45. Al Waasi: The Vast
46. Al Hakiim: The Wise
47. Al Waduud: The Loving
48. Al Majiid: The Glorious
49. Al Baa'its: The Resurrector
50. As Syahiid: The Witness
51. Al Haqq: The Truth
52. Al Wakiil: The Trustee
53. Al Qawiyyu: The All-Powerful
54.Al Matiin: The Firm
55.Al Waliyy: The Protector
56.Al Hamiid: The Praiseworthy
57.Al Muhshii: The All-Counting
58.Al Mubdi: The Originator
59.Al Mu'iid: The Restorer of Life
60. Al Muhyii: The Giver of Life
61.Al Mumiitu: The Bringer of Death
62.Al Hayyu: The Ever-Living
63.Al Qayyuum: The Self-Existing
64.Al Waajid: The Finder
65.Al Maajid: The Glorious
66.Al Wahid: The One
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.