Get Ready to Welcome Ramadan 2025, Special Practices to be Done!
In 2025, Ramadan fasting 1446 H will soon arrive! - Every Ramadan, the atmosphere of worship becomes more special, with many people determined to fast fully, even though there is an interesting phenomenon where some of them neglect prayers.
This phenomenon involves various groups, both young and old, who may not be accustomed to performing prayers but still want to fast, often because Ramadan only comes once a year.
Although fasting has its own appeal and is encouraged by the atmosphere of togetherness, prayer is considered a more difficult act of worship to maintain, especially for those who have not made it a habit.
Daily busyness and other reasons are often used as excuses to neglect prayers, even though many still take fasting seriously. This reminds us that Ramadan is not just about abstaining from food and drink, but also an important moment to build good habits in worship.
The question that arises is, is fasting still valid without performing prayers, and is merely abstaining from food and drink enough without fulfilling other obligations in Islam? Let us reflect together, as reported by from various sources, Tuesday (4/3/2025).
Prayer, as a fundamental act of worship in Islam, plays a very important role for every Muslim who meets the requirements to perform it.
In a hadith narrated by Ibn Majah, prayer is the first deed that will be accounted for by Allah on the Day of Judgment, while another hadith emphasizes that neglecting prayer can categorize someone as a disbeliever.
This shows how crucial prayer is in the daily life of a Muslim, where scholars agree that this obligation cannot be negotiated, whether in good health or in sickness, at home or while traveling.
Amidst the busyness of the month of Ramadan, questions arise about the validity of fasting for those who neglect prayer, with various reasons such as forgetting or feeling that fasting is more important.
However, it is important to delve deeper into the reasons behind neglecting prayer, whether it is due to denying the obligation or simply laziness, as this will affect the status of their worship.
According to Hasan Bin Ahmad al-Kaf, someone who neglects prayer because they believe it is not an obligation is considered to have exited Islam, thus rendering all their acts of worship, including fasting, invalid.
Neglecting prayer does not mean that a person loses their identity as a Muslim, especially if the reason is laziness or negligence. Although their fast remains valid legally, the value in the sight of Allah diminishes.
In this context, there are two types of invalidation of fasting: the first removes the reward without invalidating the fast, and the second completely invalidates the fast.
Neglecting prayer falls into the first category, even though it does not invalidate the fast; the reward that should have been attained will be lost. As a scholar stated, fasting without prayer is like a body without a soul: it appears to be worshipping, but loses its true meaning.
Many consider fasting to be more demanding, thus neglecting prayer, whereas both complement each other in worship.
Therefore, if someone is able to endure hunger and thirst all day, performing the five daily prayers, which only require a few minutes, should not be difficult.
Thus, maintaining a balance between fasting and prayer is a step towards the perfection of a Muslim's worship, because without prayer, our fasting may lose its value in the sight of Allah.
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In 2025, Ramadan fasting 1446 H will soon arrive!
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