Kapanlagi.com - Petai or more commonly known as pete is a plant that belongs to the legume group. There are dozens of fruits in one pete pod, and one fruit contains up to 20 seeds. Pete seeds, which have a distinct pungent odor, can be consumed directly or processed with other ingredients. Although it may seem to have no benefits, pete actually has many benefits.
Having a distinctive smell, many people enjoy pete as a side dish when eating. Despite having a bland and slightly bitter taste, pete also has a lot of health benefits. Especially for breastfeeding mothers, pete is believed to have positive effects on health. Therefore, according to various sources, here are the benefits of pete that are believed to be good for breastfeeding mothers.
1. Preventing Anemia

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The first benefit of pete for breastfeeding mothers is that it can prevent anemia. Pete is rich in iron, which is believed to be effective in increasing hemoglobin in the blood, thus preventing anemia in breastfeeding mothers.
To obtain the benefits of pete in preventing anemia, you can consume pete directly or use it as a side dish when eating. But if you don't like the taste, you can boil pete and drink the boiled water. You can also add lemon juice and honey to eliminate the smell of pete and get a sweet taste from the honey.
2. Preventing High Blood Pressure

credit: id.wikipedia.org
In addition to preventing anemia, another benefit of pete is that it can prevent high blood pressure. This is because pete contains a high amount of potassium. This potassium content is believed to be able to lower blood pressure, especially for breastfeeding mothers. High blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Regular consumption of pete every day is believed to reduce the risk of death from stroke by up to 40%.
If you can't eat pete directly, you can prepare it into delicious food and drinks. If you like spicy food, you must try sambal with pete. Such as sambal ikan teri with pete or sambal cumi asin with pete. For drinks, you can make pete into juice or boiled water, and you can also add honey or lemon juice to the drink.
3. Overcoming Depression and Relaxing

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The next benefit of pete for breastfeeding mothers is overcoming depression. If you are a young mother who is not accustomed to the cries of a baby in the middle of the night, or often staying awake and lack of sleep can be the beginning of stress. Pete contains tryptophan which can be converted into serotonin in the body. This is what will make the body more relaxed. And many also believe that the aroma of pete can restore appetite.
You can process pete into crispy and odorless crackers if you don't like the smell. The first thing you need to do is to grind pete together with turmeric and garlic, this is done to eliminate the odor of pete. If the three ingredients are mixed well, then add sugar, salt, and enough water and mix again. Then add tapioca flour and mix again until everything is well mixed.
Once done, put the mixed ingredients into a container or plastic and steam until cooked. After cooked, let the dough cool and then slice it thinly. Dry the sliced dough all day, and fry it with hot oil. Pete crackers are ready to be consumed.
4. Restoring Intestinal Function and Overcoming Constipation

credit: cookpad.com/id
The next benefit of pete for breastfeeding mothers is overcoming constipation and restoring intestinal function. Pete is one of the foods that is a good source of fiber. By fulfilling the fiber needs, it will prevent various digestive problems such as constipation.
In addition, consuming fiber-rich foods can make you feel full longer. We know that when a mother is breastfeeding, the source of food from the body will be divided into nutrients for herself and breast milk. By consuming pete, we can provide more fiber to the body. And we can also avoid overeating, which makes the intestines work extra hard.
5. Improving Brain Memory

credit: shutterstock
The last benefit of pete for breastfeeding mothers is improving brain memory. Breastfeeding mothers need to get good intake so that the baby being breastfed also gets enough intake. One of the processes that develops rapidly in babies is the brain. Brain cells in babies can develop well with the support of nutritious and sufficient intake. In addition to providing complementary foods, babies should be breastfed for a full 2 years to help with their nutrition.
For breastfeeding mothers, consuming pete is not only good for improving their memory but also for the baby. This is because the high potassium content in pete can provide good memory power to the brain. In addition, the high potassium can help with child development and improve memory power. So, consuming pete in sufficient amounts and not excessive can provide good benefits for both the mother and the baby.
Those are the 5 benefits of pete for mothers and children that are safe for the body. Despite its unpleasant smell, pete can actually help mothers and provide nutrients to growing babies.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.