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How to Track Someone's Location Without Touching the Victim's Phone, Complete with Websites and Applications

How to Track Someone's Location Without Touching the Victim's Phone, Complete with Websites and Applications Tracking someone's location without touching the victim's phone (credit: - Tracking someone's location can be done using applications or websites. Interestingly, there is a feature to track someone's location without touching the victim's or target's phone.

Tracking someone's location is done for various reasons. One of them is when you want to know your partner's honesty by checking their current whereabouts. It can also be used to find the location of a beloved child.

However, it should be noted that tracking someone's location without touching the victim's phone is considered eavesdropping, which can violate privacy. Deciding to track someone's location without their knowledge can be considered if the situation is very urgent and pressing. Illegal or eavesdropping actions can have risks that users must bear.

The steps to track someone's location without touching the victim's or target's phone are actually quite easy and practical. Curious about the guide to track someone's location without touching the victim's phone? You can check it out here KLovers.


1. How to Track Someone's Location Without Touching the Victim's Phone with HLR Lookup

Tracking someone's location without touching the victim's phone can be done using an application. One popular application is HLR Lookup. This application can be downloaded from the Playstore. The use of this application can be done by entering only the target phone number. So, without touching the target phone, you can track its location.

The method is quite easy, you can download this application on your mobile phone. Then open the application and enter the phone number to be tracked. Wait a few moments, and information about the location of the target phone number will appear. However, the HLR Lookup application can only track the location of the SIM card number, not the accurate location of the user's presence.


2. How to Track Someone's Location Without Touching the Victim's Phone with Google Maps

Tracking someone's location without touching the victim's phone can be done with Google Maps. The Google Maps application is already very familiar among gadget users. In addition to finding locations, this application can also be used to track someone's whereabouts.

The way to track someone's location without touching the victim's phone is quite easy. However, information about someone's location can be known if the target also activates the location feature on their mobile phone. Here are the steps to track someone's location using Google Maps.

- Open Google Maps, then add the target's Gmail address.

- Next, on the profile picture section, select the Sharing Location feature.

- Then click New Share, and you can set the time to share the location.

- Make sure the target also does the same and activates the Location Sharing feature to be tracked.

- To track, you can directly select Location Sharing and choose the target's contact profile.


3. How to Track Someone's Location Without Touching the Victim's Phone with Find My Device

Tracking someone's location without touching the victim's phone can be done by installing the Find My Device application. This application also has several other functions such as finding lost phones. The steps to use the Find My Device application can be seen as follows.

- Install the Find My Device application through Playstore.

- Then open the application, log in with your Google account and select the People menu.

- In the Share my location section, enter the target contact number whose location you want to find.

- Information will appear when you click the People or contact icon.

It should be noted that to use this application, users must enable location and be connected to the internet. If the phone has been granted permission for the Find My Device application, it can easily track the location and can even be done through the website.


4. How to track someone's location without touching the victim's phone with GPS

The next way to track someone's location without touching the victim's phone is by using GPS. For the guide, you can follow the following steps to track someone's location without touching the victim's phone.

- Visit the website through the browser on your mobile phone.

- Next, a column will appear containing the country, phone number code, and phone number.

- Enter the target phone number to be searched.

- Then click Search.

- If successful, information about the location will appear on the screen.


5. How to Track Someone's Location with Whatsapp

You can also use the Whatsapp chat application to easily track someone's location. However, the option to track someone's location without touching the victim's phone cannot be done because the target must send the current location via Whatsapp. So, the target must send the current location. Here's how to track someone's location with Whatsapp.

- Open your Whatsapp application to track someone's location.

- To track the target's location, ask them to send the current location by clicking on the paper clip-shaped icon. Then choose the location.

- Then, select Send Current Location.

- Automatically, you can track the target's current location according to the previously specified duration.


6. How to Track Someone's Location Without Touching the Victim's Phone with Email

You can also use email to track someone's location without touching the victim's phone. However, to track the target's location, you need to ask them to share their location via email. Even if you don't ask the target to share their location, you can use the target's email account. It should be noted that this method may violate privacy and also include eavesdropping. But if you are given access to the target's email account, follow these steps.

- Log in to the email account through the website or application.

- Then click on the dot icon in the upper right corner and click on the profile.

- Select Data and Privacy, then click on the Activity menu.

- In the Activity menu, select activity controls that you can check the target's location history.

That's how to track someone's location without touching the victim's phone easily and practically. It should be noted again that tracking someone's location without touching the victim's phone may violate privacy. Thus, there are a number of risks that users may bear.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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