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Hunting Animals According to Weton, Find Out Which Direction is the Most Lucky

Hunting Animals According to Weton, Find Out Which Direction is the Most Lucky Hunting Animals According to Weton (credit: unsplash) - Hunting is a hobby that is quite popular among certain groups. Not only for pleasure, some people hunt animals for specific purposes such as using the hunted animals as food or for collection. But did you know that in traditional Javanese culture there is a Primbon for hunting animals?

As the title suggests, the Primbon for hunting animals can be a guide for those of you who are looking for more luck while hunting. This Primbon contains which directions are suitable for hunting based on the date of birth. By following the directions in this Primbon for hunting animals, it is believed that hunting activities can yield satisfying results.

Are you curious about which direction is most suitable for your date of birth? To find out, let's take a look at the following review.

1. Direction of Hunting on Monday Birthday

Just like other predictions in Primbon, hunting predictions are also based on weton. For those who are unfamiliar, weton is a combination of the day of birth (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) with the market day (Legi, Pahing, Pon, Wage, and Kliwon). Specifically for Monday birthdays, here are some suitable directions for each weton.

- Weton Monday Kliwon, suitable directions for hunting are north and west.

- Weton Monday Legi, suitable direction for hunting is south.

- Weton Monday Pahing, suitable direction for hunting is south.

- Weton Monday Pon, suitable directions for hunting are north and west.

- Weton Monday Wage, suitable directions for hunting are north and east.

2. Direction of Hunting on Tuesday Birthday

Every day of birth and weton has its own directions that can make it lucky when hunting. Here are some directions that can make someone with a Tuesday birth day lucky when hunting.

- Weton Tuesday Kliwon, the suitable direction for hunting is west and north.

- Weton Tuesday Legi, the suitable direction for hunting is east and west.

- Weton Tuesday Pahing, the suitable direction for hunting is east and south.

- Weton Tuesday Pon, the suitable direction for hunting is west.

- Weton Tuesday Wage, the suitable direction for hunting is east and north.

3. Hunting Directions for Wednesday Birth Day

For those of you who were born on Wednesday, there are also several specific directions that can make you lucky when hunting. By following the directions that have been divided according to the weton below, it is believed that your hunting activities can be more enjoyable, safe, and of course, more productive.

- Weton Wednesday Kliwon, the suitable direction for hunting is north and east.

- Weton Wednesday Legi, the suitable direction for hunting is east.

- Weton Wednesday Pahing, the suitable direction for hunting is south and east.

- Weton Wednesday Pon, the suitable direction for hunting is north.

- Weton Wednesday Wage, the suitable direction for hunting is east.

4. Hunting Direction on Thursday

For those born on Thursday, whether it's on Kliwon, Legi, Pahing, Pon, or Wage, you don't need to worry. There are several specific directions that can also make you lucky when hunting. Here are some suitable directions for hunting for those born on Thursday.

- For those born on Thursday Kliwon, the suitable directions for hunting are east and west.

- For those born on Thursday Legi, the suitable directions for hunting are north and east.

- For those born on Thursday Pahing, the suitable directions for hunting are north and west.

- For those born on Thursday Pon, the suitable directions for hunting are north and east.

- For those born on Thursday Wage, the suitable directions for hunting are west and north.

5. Hunting Direction on Friday

Meanwhile, for Friday, here are some suitable directions for you to follow when hunting. Following these directions is believed to bring luck and safety for those born on Friday.

- For those born on Friday Kliwon, the suitable directions for hunting are north and west.

- For those born on Friday Legi, the suitable directions for hunting are south and west.

- For those born on Friday Pahing, the suitable directions for hunting are west and east.

- For those born on Friday Pon, the suitable directions for hunting are east and west.

- For those born on Friday Wage, the suitable directions for hunting are north and east.

6. Direction for Hunting on Saturday Birth

If you were born on Saturday and have a hobby of hunting, you must know the following directions. Because these directions can bring you a lot of luck when hunting. Here is a guide to hunting directions according to Javanese Primbon for Saturday Kliwon, Saturday Legi, Saturday Pahing, and Saturday Wage.

- For Saturday Kliwon, the suitable directions for hunting are north and east.

- For Saturday Legi, the suitable directions for hunting are south and west.

- For Saturday Pahing, the suitable directions for hunting are south and north.

- For Saturday Pon, the suitable directions for hunting are south and west.

- For Saturday Wage, the suitable directions for hunting are north and south.

7. Direction for Hunting on Sunday Birth

Finally, for those of you who were born on Sunday, here are some directions that you can follow when hunting. With enough prayer and effort, these directions can lead you to encounter many game animals that can be captured.

- For Sunday Kliwon, the suitable directions for hunting are north and east.

- For Sunday Legi, the suitable directions for hunting are east and west.

- For Sunday Pahing, the suitable directions for hunting are north and east.

- For Sunday Pon, the suitable directions for hunting are south and west.

- For Sunday Wage, the suitable directions for hunting are west and north.

Those are the descriptions of hunting animals based on directions for each weton. Hopefully, it is useful and can answer your curiosity.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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