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Character Prediction of Weton Pahing Born on Monday - Sunday, Often Called Character

Character Prediction of Weton Pahing Born on Monday - Sunday, Often Called Character Illustration of Weton Pahing Character on Monday - Sunday (credit: unsplash) - Some Indonesian people, especially Javanese, are certainly familiar with Weton. For those who believe, Weton is believed to determine a person's character and destiny. Weton itself is a combination of birth date and pasaran (market day). Each person has a Weton based on the day they were born. Weton Pahing is one of them.

Pahing is one of the pasaran in the Javanese calendar. In addition to Pahing, there are still Legi, Pon, Wage, and Kliwon. However, Pahing is often considered as one of the special pasaran. Owners of Weton on Monday Pahing, Tuesday Pahing, Wednesday Pahing, Thursday Pahing, Friday Pahing, Saturday Pahing, and Sunday Pahing are believed to have special characteristics that are different from other Wetons.

Curious about the character of someone who has Weton Pahing? Just take a look at the following discussion.


1. Monday Pahing

According to Javanese Primbon, someone born on Monday Pahing has the character of Lakuning Lintang. Compared to other Pahing days, they tend to be individualistic, introverted, and dislike crowds. Nevertheless, owners of Monday Pahing still have a sincere heart to help others.

In addition, owners of Monday Pahing are also known for their extraordinary patience. They are typical individuals who choose to avoid problems. They greatly appreciate peace. When owners of Monday Pahing are disturbed, provoked, or hurt, they are not hesitant to resist.


2. Tuesday Pahing

According to Primbon, Tuesday Pahing has the character of Satria Wirang. They are respected individuals because on average, owners of Tuesday Pahing have attractive and authoritative characteristics. In addition, people with Tuesday Pahing tend to have mysterious and unpredictable traits. They are also intelligent and independent.

One of the negative traits possessed by those born on Tuesday Pahing is easily getting angry, and when angry. This often leads them to be involved in problems. Many dislike owners of Tuesday Pahing due to their temperamental nature.


3. Wednesday Pahing

In Javanese Primbon, people who have Weton Wednesday Pahing are called Lakuning Banyu. They tend to be calm and love peace. They are so calm that they are rarely provoked emotionally. Others will see them as individuals who always appear cheerful and easy to get along with. Wednesday Pahing figures are also liked because of their willingness to help without expecting anything in return.

Not only that, owners of Wednesday Pahing are also known as individuals who are easy to forgive and rarely hold grudges. In terms of appearance, they prefer to have a simple appearance, but always manage to attract attention with their charm.


4. Thursday Pahing

Someone who has Weton Thursday Pahing is known for having a gentle heart. They also have a nature of being willing to compromise. Owners of Thursday Pahing are also very compassionate. Their instincts in taking care of things are also very strong. In addition, they are also known as individuals who are diligent and enthusiastic in achieving goals.

Owners of Thursday Pahing also have extensive knowledge and high intelligence. This makes them tend to have good speaking abilities. They have a love for beauty and cleanliness, so they feel comfortable in an organized and clean environment. On the other hand, the negative side of owners of Thursday Pahing includes their tendency to be suspicious and arrogant.


5. Friday Pahing

Next, Pahing on Friday. Those born on Friday Pahing are generally intelligent individuals. In addition, this Pahing also depicts individuals as quiet, calm, and relaxed personalities. Moreover, the Friday Pahing primbon is also associated with lakuning srengenge, which characterizes a strong and hot temperament like the sun.

Their sun-like nature makes them easily ignited with emotions. However, they are also considered individuals who rarely get angry. Other good qualities of those born on Friday Pahing include their honesty and dislike for holding grudges. They also possess good qualities such as responsibility, independence, a tendency to give, sincerity, and always working hard.


6. Saturday Pahing

Weton Saturday Pahing according to Primbon, has a character similar to fire. They tend to get angry easily and often get involved in disputes because they want to win. However, according to Primbon, Saturday Pahing also has many positive qualities that should not be ignored.

One of them is that they are very good at socializing. Behind their easily emotional nature, people born on Saturday Pahing actually have a generous heart to forgive and rarely hold grudges. In addition, Saturday Pahing is also known as a generous person who likes to help others.


7. Sunday Pahing

Lastly, there is Pahing on Sunday. Owners of Sunday Pahing according to Javanese Primbon tradition are likened to a light in the darkness. This means that they actually do not like to be the center of attention and tend to be quiet. However, their intelligence helps them build good relationships with others.

In addition, owners of Sunday Pahing also have good financial management skills. They are able to differentiate between wants and needs, although sometimes their frugality can be misunderstood as a lack of understanding or reluctance to share with others.

The negative side of Sunday Pahing is difficulty in controlling emotions. In addition, they also tend to be skeptical and underestimate others.

Those are some reviews about Pahing from Monday to Sunday. Hopefully, it is useful and can answer your curiosity!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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