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Javanese Primbon Meaning of Names for Men and Women, Can be Seen from the Initials

Javanese Primbon Meaning of Names for Men and Women, Can be Seen from the Initials Javanese Primbon Meaning of Names for Men and Women (credit: - Javanese Primbon is quite familiarly used to determine the character or nature of a person based on their birth day. Interestingly, some names actually have their own meanings based on Javanese primbon.

There are various notes in Javanese primbon that are used to determine auspicious days, fortunes, predictions, and a person's character. In addition to weton, it turns out there is a Javanese primbon meaning of names that contains certain meanings.

The meanings in Javanese primbon of names are very diverse. Some indicate the character and nature of a person even just by looking at the initials of their name.

Moreover, in Indonesia the use of Javanese names is already very familiar. Curious about the various meanings of Javanese primbon meaning of names. Here are the meanings of Javanese primbon names that can actually be seen from the initials.

1. Javanese Primbon Meaning of Names for Men

For KLovers who are curious about their own names, first check out the discussion of Javanese primbon meaning of names for boys as follows. By knowing Javanese boy names, it can be a reference for inspiration for boys' names. Check it out here KLovers.

1. Abhimata: A boy who will become a wise person.

2. Abimanyu: A boy who is not afraid of difficulties.

3. Abisatya: A boy who will become an honest person.

4. Adanu: A boy who becomes a light for others.

5. Adhiatma: Meaning the youngest son.

6. Adiguna: Meaning someone who is clever and smart.

7. Adji: Meaning power, wisdom, and noble.

8. Agung: Meaning big and noble.

9. Andaka: Meaning a strong man.

10. Ardhana: Meaning peace.

11. Andaru: Meaning Revelation, happiness, likes to help, generous, giving way.

12. Utomo: Means the most important.

69.Waluyo: Means happiness.

70.Wicaksana: Means someone who is wise.

71.Yuwana: Means safe.

Anindityo: Means perfect.

13.Ardianto: Means honor.

14.Argo: Means mountain.

15.Ariyanto: Means in ease.

16.Arka: Means the light that illuminates people around.

17.Artanto: Means having a lot of wealth.

18.Awanta: Means noble.

19. Bagaskara: Means the sun shines or gives light.

20.Bambang: Means knight.

21.Barata: Means someone who distances themselves from worldly matters.

22.Bayu: Means wind, air, breath.

23.Bisma: Means someone who is extraordinary.

24.Budi: Means someone who has noble character.

25.Candra: Means a man who shines softly.

26. Cokroaminoto: Means a boy who is like a righteous sun.

27.Daniswara: Means rich and noble.

28.Dani: Means a son who has a good heart.

29.Dika: Means a man who is given excellence.

30.Dwi: Means the second child.

31.Eko: Means the first child.

32.Endra: Means a man who will become great.

33. Febriantono: Means a man in the month of February.

34.Ganendra: Means becoming a god's army.

35.Gatot: Means a muscular body.

36.Gilang: Means a man with perseverance.

37.Gunawan: Means a useful man.

38.Handaru: Means revelation and happiness.

39.Hariyatno: Means having a noble life.

40. Hariatno: Means rich.

41.Herjuno: Means someone who is very polite.

42.Ismanto: Means beautiful or good.

43.Janu: Means having far-sighted thinking.

44.Jatmika: Means polite.

45.Joko: Means a young man.

46.Junaidi: Means a small warrior.

47. Kaesang: Means a king of noble descent.

48.Kasiman: Means a man with a gentle heart.

49.Katmanto: Means life.

50.Laksmana: Means having a strong will.

51.Lakeswara: Means king of the world.

52.Madhani: Means a balancer.

53.Mahaeswara: Means a great king.

54. Mudjianto: Means someone who praises.

55.Mulyadi: Means noble.

56.Mulyana: Means someone who possesses nobility.

57.Naresh: Means king.

58.Nurwan: Means light of a man.

59.Panji: Means someone who receives advantages.

60.Prabowo: Means a first child with good personality.

61. Raharjo: Means prosperous.

62.Raditya: Means sun.

63.Samidi: Means good spirit.

64.Saputro: Means male child.

65.Satrio: Means brave, handsome.

66.Tasiman: Means kind-hearted and gentle man.

67.Teja: Means light.


2. Javanese Primbon Meaning of Names for Women

Meanwhile, there is a Javanese tradition of the meaning of names for women. Some Javanese names for girls have their own meanings. Therefore, it is important to know what the Javanese tradition of the meaning of names for girls is. Some of the Javanese names for girls are commonly used.

1.Andini: Means someone who is obedient or faithful.

2.Andita: A woman who has high achievements.

3.Anjani: Means perseverance.

4. Ayu: Meaning has data attraction, beautiful, and pretty.

5.Ayuningtyas: Meaning a woman who is beautiful, pretty.

6.Batari: Meaning a woman who has a face like an angel.

7.Bintari: Meaning has youthful spirit.

8.Cahyaningrum: Meaning someone who radiates bright light and has a fragrant aroma.

9.Cahyati: Meaning has a shining heart.

10.Cintiya: Meaning a beautiful woman.

11. Dewi: Meaning a woman like a beautiful angel.

12.Dianti: Meaning special.

13.Dyah: Meaning a beautiful woman.

14.Esti: Meaning has aspirations.

15.Erina: Meaning someone who has sharpness.

16.Gayatri: Meaning has three strengths.

17.Gita: Meaning a song.

18. Hapsari: Meaning like jewelry, beautiful.

19.Harini: Meaning someone who will be beautiful and gentle.

20.Hayati: Meaning life.

21.Ida: Meaning happiness and joy.

22.Indriati: Meaning has a beautiful heart.

23.Jayanti: Meaning like a beautiful flower.

24.Karmi: Meaning a gentle woman.

25. Kinasih: Meaning a lover.

26.Laksmi: Meaning someone beautiful and graceful.

27.Laras: Meaning someone balanced and harmonious.

28.Maesaroh: Meaning happiness, honor, and marriage.

29.Maheswari: Meaning like a beautiful angel.

30.Nala: Meaning heart.

31.Niken: Meaning a beautiful woman.

32. Ninda: Meaning someone perfect, innocent.

33.Nur: Meaning light.

34.Pertiwi: Meaning earth.

35.Pramuditta: Meaning intelligence and someone noble.

36.Ratih: Meaning goddess of beauty.

37.Ratna: Meaning gem.

38.Sakinah: Meaning pious woman.

39. Santi: Meaning calmness and fame.

40.Sularti: Meaning having good behavior.

41.Sutinah: Meaning loyalty.

42.Tina: Meaning good behavior.

43.Utari: Meaning patience.

44.Wati: Meaning a woman.

3. Javanese Primbon Meaning of Names based on Initials

Meanwhile, Javanese primbon meaning of names can also be seen from their initials. Because there are a number of name initials, they have meanings based on Javanese primbon. Javanese primbon meaning of names according to these initials can be seen from the letters A to Z. These initials can be used for both males and females. Know, what are the Javanese primbon meaning of names as follows KLovers.

1. Initial A meaning of the first name indicates the character of someone who is wise.

2. Initial B meaning of the first name indicates the character of someone who gets angry quickly.

3. Initial C meaning of the first name indicates the character of someone who is humorous, likes to joke.

4. Initial D meaning of the first name indicates the character of someone who is very loving, compassionate.

5. Initial E meaning of the first name indicates the character of someone who likes to lie or deceive.

6. Initial F meaning of the first name indicates the character of someone who prioritizes honesty.

7. Initial G meaning of the first name indicates the character of someone who is kind-hearted, generous.

8. Initial H meaning of the first name indicates the character of someone who gets angry easily.

9. Initial I meaning of the first name indicates the character of someone who is stubborn.

10. Initial J meaning of the first name indicates a very humble character.

11. Initial K meaning of the first name indicates a character that easily holds grudges.

12. Initial L meaning of the first name indicates a shy character.

13. Initial M meaning of the first name indicates a character that is easygoing and sociable.

14. Initial N meaning of the first name indicates a character that easily gets angry.

15. Initial O meaning of the first name indicates a character whose loyalty is doubtful.

16. Initial P meaning of the first name indicates a wise and knowledgeable character.

17. Initial Q meaning of the first name indicates a loving and caring character.

18. Initial R meaning of the first name indicates a character that easily gets angry.

19. Initial S meaning of the first name indicates a character that has a good heart, generous.

20. Initial T meaning of the first name indicates a character that likes to joke and has a sense of humor.

21. Initial U meaning of the first name indicates a stubborn character.

22. Initial V meaning of the first name indicates a shy character.

23. Initial W meaning of the first name indicates a character that is easygoing and sociable.

24. The initial X meaning of the first name indicates the character of a shy person.

25. The initial Y meaning of the first name indicates a kind-hearted and generous character.

26. The initial Z meaning of the first name indicates a stubborn character.

4. Names Based on Hanacaraka Counting

In Javanese culture, there is a known Javanese script or also known as hanacaraka or honocoroko. Javanese script consists of 20 basic letters and 4 special punctuation marks, which when combined with these four punctuation marks, produce various variant vowel sounds.

In the past, Javanese script was also used to write various words and sentences, including names. According to primbon, Javanese script is not just ordinary letters. The 20 hanacaraka script letters are believed to have philosophical meanings and special values. From these values, a counting method can be performed to predict destiny.

Therefore, in giving a name to a child, Javanese people often consider writing in Javanese script. The hope is that the child can have a good life in the future.

To understand more, here are the values of Javanese script according to primbon honocoroko:

- "Ha" has a value of 1

- "Na" has a value of 2

- "Ca" has a value of 3

- "Ra" has a value of 4

- "Ka" has a value of 5

- "Da" has a value of 6

- "Ta" has a value of 7

- "Sa" has a value of 8

- "Wa" has a value of 9

- "La" has a value of 10

- "Pa" has a value of 11

- "Dha" has a value of 12

- "Ja" has a value of 13

- "Ya" has a value of 14

- "Nya" has a value of 15

- "Ma" has a value of 16

- "Ga" has a value of 17

- "Ba" has a value of 18

- "Tha" has a value of 19

- "Nga" has a value of 20

5. Name Divination Results According to Hanacaraka Characters

In Javanese primbon, there are 5 predictions believed to reflect the results of name counting based on Javanese characters. The five results are as follows:

- 1 (one): "Sri" indicates luck in life's journey.

- 2 (two): "Lungguh" is a symbol of respected life, success, and wealth.

- 3 (three): "Gedhong" reflects prosperity, including wealth and happiness through descendants.

- 4 (four): "Loro" gives clues about possible health challenges that need to be aware of.

- 5 (five): "Pati" indicates the presence of tests or disasters, requiring caution in living.

It should be noted that the above results also apply to multiples of 6-10. Where the counting from the sixth onwards will return to the first order. In other words, the results of 6-10 are considered equivalent to 1-5, and so on.

To make it clearer, consider the following example:

For the name Suhono, the calculation is as follows: Su (8) + Ho (1) + No (2) = 11 can be interpreted as Sri, which means having a good life, respected, and predicted to be successful.

6. Procedures for Naming According to Javanese Primbon

In Javanese culture, giving names to children cannot be done carelessly. There are several things that need to be considered, because as it is known, names are often considered as prayers. According to Javanese astrology, a good name is believed to bring a child a good destiny.

However, unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to give a good name. To find the best name, sometimes careful thinking is needed, so it takes time. Based on traditional Javanese culture, there are several procedures for giving a good name to a child. Here are the procedures for giving a name according to Javanese astrology:

1. Giving a Name According to Birth Order

Among the Javanese community, it is quite common for parents to name their children based on their birth order. For example, the first child is named Eka or Ika, the second child is named Dwi, the third child is named Tri, the fourth child is named Catur, and so on. These names based on birth order can later be combined with other names that have good meanings.

2. Giving a Name According to Birth Time

In addition to birth order, among the Javanese community, there are also many parents who name their children according to their birth time. For example, a child born during the day is named Rino or Rina. Then, a child born at night is named Ratri. There are also Javanese parents in the past who named their children according to the date of birth, for example, a child is named Tuginem (an abbreviation of Sabtu Legi Tanggal Enem).

3. Giving a Name According to Desired Good Traits

As mentioned earlier, a name is like a prayer for a child. Therefore, in order for a child to grow up to be a good person, parents can give their child a name that reflects good qualities. For example, parents can name their child Kartika, which means star, with the intention of becoming a child who becomes a guiding light for others.

4. Giving a Name Similar to an Admired Figure

Another way to give a good name to a child according to Javanese astrology is by giving a name similar to an admired figure. Yes, parents can give their child a name that is similar or even the same as an admired and emulated figure. For example, parents can give their child the name Setya, which is known in Javanese mythology as a figure who is loyal. Another example is giving the name Muhammad with the intention of the child emulating the qualities of the Prophet Muhammad.

That is an explanation about Javanese astrology and the meaning of names for boys and girls. It can be used as additional information about various discussions regarding Javanese astrology and names.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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