Kapanlagi.com - There are many titles given to Prophet Muhammad because of his nobility. Such as the title Khatamul Anbiya Wal Mursalin which means the last prophet to begin. Prophet Muhammad had several honorable and special titles such as Al Amin and Khatamul Anbiya.
Khatamul Anbiya Wal Mursalin is a title for Prophet Muhammad along with its historical events and verses in the Quran that you can read through the review below. So that KLovers can understand and know the meaning of the title Khatamul Anbiya Wal Mursalin, along with other titles.
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So, here is an explanation of Khatamul Anbiya Wal Mursalin, the title of the last prophet along with explanations and other titles held by Prophet Muhammad.
1. Meaning of Khatamul Anbiya Wal Mursalin

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
As previously explained, Khatamul Anbiya Wal Mursalin means the title of the last prophet. In summary, Khatamul Anbiya means the seal of prophets and messengers. Meanwhile, Wal Musalin means the most noble or the most exalted.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the title of Khatamul Anbiya Wal Mursalin means the seal of prophets and messengers and the most exalted among them. In addition to this title, Prophet Muhammad also had other titles because of his character.
This title of Khatamul Anbiya was not given arbitrarily, KLovers. This has been written in the holy Quran in Surah Al-Ahzab verse 40, which explains that Allah SWT made Prophet Muhammad the last prophet or seal of the prophets.
"Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things." (Surah Al-Ahzab verse 40)
2. Explanation of the Title Khatamul Anbiya

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
As KLovers know, Prophet Muhammad himself has many titles, one of which is Khatamul Anbiya. Yes, the title Khatamul Anbiya Wal Mursalin means 'the seal of the prophets and messengers' which comes from the word 'khatam' meaning 'the end', and 'anbiya' which is found in one of the verses in the Quran which means 'the prophets'.
Therefore, the title Khatamul Anbiya means the last prophet that Allah SWT sent to give good news and warnings to mankind. This has also been mentioned in a verse, where Allah SWT says in Surah Al-Ahzab verse 40.
"Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets. And Allah has full knowledge of all things."
And this provision is what also keeps the teachings of Islam from being changed. Because, if there were other humans who claimed to be prophets after Prophet Muhammad SAW, then that would be considered a great lie.
Because, Allah SWT will never again send a prophet after Prophet Muhammad SAW. That is why the title Khatamul Anbiya Wal Mursalin means the last prophet or the seal of the most noble prophets. So, a Muslim will believe that there is no God but Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and the role model for Muslims until the end of time.
3. Titles of Prophet Muhammad

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
Besides knowing the title of Khatamul Anbiya Wal Mursalin which means the last prophet, KLovers can also know other titles held by Prophet Muhammad SAW. No one can match the noble character and morals of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Therefore, every community can emulate the character of Prophet Muhammad SAW as the beloved of Allah SWT. In addition to the title of Khatamul Anbiya, there are several titles held by Prophet Muhammad SAW. The titles of Prophet Muhammad SAW that you can understand and know are as follows:
1. Ahmad which means very praised or the praised Prophet.
2. Al-Mahiy which means eraser of ignorance in the era of ignorance.
3. Al-'Aqib which means the last prophet or there is no prophet after the death of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
4. Nabiyur Rahmah which means the compassionate and loving Prophet.
5. Nabiyutttaubah which means the repentant Prophet.
6. Abdullah which means the servant of Allah SWT.
7. Miftah Jannah which means the key to heaven.
8. Ahid: which means to act justly.
9. Nabiyul Malahim which means the Prophet who fought many wars.
10. Aziz which means glory.
11. Alamul Iman which means very knowledgeable about faith and knows Allah SWT.
12. Basyir which means the bearer of good news.
13. Da'in which means inviting to Allah SWT.
14. Kamil which means perfect.
15. Habibullah which means the beloved of Allah SWT.
16. Hizbullah which means the army of Allah SWT.
That is the explanation of the title of Khatamul Anbiya Wal Mursalin which means the last prophet for Prophet Muhammad SAW, along with its meaning and history that you need to know. Hopefully, by knowing the meaning of Khatamul Anbiya Wal Mursalin, you can gain knowledge and examples in your daily life.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.