Viral Fajr Azan Video, Ari Lesmana Now Holds the Title of Muazin
Ari Lesmana, one of the members of the band Fourtwnty, has recently been talked about because of a viral video of his fajr azan when he was the muazin on the Vindes suhoor event. - For those of you who love soap operas, you must know this celebrity very well. Yes, Raya Kohandi is a celebrity who often appears in various soap operas playing antagonistic characters. In fact, she never disappoints viewers with her outstanding acting when playing antagonistic roles.
Unlike before, currently Raya Kohandi rarely appears in several soap operas. This certainly makes soap opera fans curious about the portrait of the successful antagonist player in every soap opera. Even now, Raya Kohandi is already married and has a child, KLovers.
So, what is the portrait of Raya Kohandi, the soap opera player who likes to play antagonistic roles? Let's check it out, KLovers.
Yes, not only when playing in soap operas, but Raya Kohandi's daily clothing style always looks fashionable. On his Instagram account, he always shows various graceful and casual styles that are absolutely fashionable.
Before venturing into the acting world, Raya Kohandi was actually the winner of the Aneka Magazine Cover Girl in 2003. Then in 2005, Raya Kohandi had the opportunity to play in his first soap opera titled INIKAH RASANYA. After successfully playing the antagonist role, Raya Kohandi received many offers to play in various famous soap operas.
Yes, currently Raya Kohandi is married and has one daughter. That's why she chooses not to be too active in the acting world. Although Raya Kohandi still plays a few times, but not as often as before.
Currently, Raya Kohandi has many activities, one of which is spending time with her child. Yes, in various moments Raya Kohandi spends time with her daughter like at home, going out, and even horseback riding.
Although she is already in her thirties and has a daughter, she still looks youthful. In fact, many netizens praise Raya Kohandi for still looking like a young girl.
In addition, Raya Kohandi often shares her favorite activity, horse riding. Yes, Raya Kohandi chooses horse riding as one of the sports she regularly does. Even Raya Kohandi's outfit while playing horse riding always looks cool.
Although Raya Kohandi is rarely seen on television these days, she still has many activities. Yes, Raya Kohandi chooses to do activities at home, such as doing endorsements with her daughter.
Those are the latest portraits of Raya Kohandi who still looks cool and youthful. Currently, she is still busy with various activities with her child, even though she rarely appears on television anymore.
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