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Many Covid-19 Cases from the Nearest Cluster, Let's Not Underestimate Personal and Environmental Cleanliness Anymore!

Many Covid-19 Cases from the Nearest Cluster, Let's Not Underestimate Personal and Environmental Cleanliness Anymore! credit via Shutterstock - The number of Covid-19 cases continues to increase. Even, as of October 8th, 2020, the number of positive Covid-19 cases increased by 4,850, making the total 320,564 in Indonesia. Ironically, some of these cases occurred from the nearest cluster, such as family, neighbors, and offices. One of the causes is that some Covid-19 positive patients do not follow health protocols, including proper self-isolation, making it easy to transmit to close contacts.

This is where it is important to pay more attention to personal and environmental cleanliness, both in residential and work areas. Because no one knows where and when the virus can come from. Well, in order to reduce the number of positive Covid-19 cases, let's start taking personal and environmental cleanliness more seriously with the following methods.

Regularly Dispose of Trash Indoors, Don't Be Lazy!

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Piled up trash indoors not only causes unpleasant odors, but also poses a risk of inviting viruses, bacteria, and diseases. Clean it regularly, especially household waste that easily decomposes. If possible, provide several trash cans indoors, both at home and at work. Line them with plastic bags to make it easier to dispose of trash every day, while also keeping the trash cans clean. Stop the habit of piling up dirty clothes, wash them as often as possible Credit via Shutterstock

Not only trash, dirty clothes can also be a source of disease if they are simply piled up and not washed immediately. Especially clothes that have been worn outside during times like this. There may be various germs, viruses, and bacteria that stick to them without you realizing it, so clean yourself and wash the dirty clothes immediately after arriving home. Also, don't forget to wash clothes that have been worn outside and those worn only inside the house separately. This way, at least the spread of viruses inside the house can be prevented. Open the windows regularly to keep the air circulation fresh Credit via Shutterstock

Good air circulation in the room not only makes the house fresher but also helps carry away viruses and other microorganisms that may have been trapped in the house. That's why it's important to regularly open the windows every day. Especially in the morning, where the air is rich in oxygen from various plants outside, indirectly supporting the health of its inhabitants.

Sweep, Mop, and Use Disinfectant

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Equally important, do not be lazy to sweep and mop the room regularly, no matter how busy your work is. Because, rooms that are rarely swept or mopped, are not only dusty, but can also become breeding grounds for diseases. In addition, provide maximum protection for your family by using the right disinfectant products, such as WIZ 24 Disinfectant which can provide 24-hour protection from the first use.

Interestingly, this effective disinfectant product that kills viruses, bacteria, and fungi comes in two types, namely WIZ 24 Disinfecting Spray & Clean with patented ACTIGUARDTM technology and WIZ 24 Disinfectant Spray Surface & Air with patented PROGUARDTM technology. The technology in WIZ 24 Disinfectant is the first and only one in Indonesia and Asia.

Credit via Instagram/@WIZ24Disinfectant

WIZ 24 Disinfecting Spray & Clean with patented ACTIGUARDTM technology not only kills viruses, bacteria, and fungi, but also provides 24-hour protection from the first use, even if it has been touched multiple times. This type of disinfectant works effectively in protecting all hard surface furniture, such as door handles, stair handles, tables, chairs, toilet seats, bath tubs, kitchen sets, and so on.

WIZ 24 Disinfecting Spray & Clean has dual functions as a disinfectant and a cleaning liquid. So, besides being able to disinfect, WIZ 24 Disinfecting Spray & Clean can also be used to clean surfaces from dust, dirt, and oil. In addition, WIZ 24 Disinfecting Spray & Clean has a Clean Scent variant that can provide a clean and hygienic fragrance sensation, as well as a Fresh Scent variant that provides a refreshing fragrance sensation, making it suitable for daily use.

Credit via Instagram/@WIZ24Disinfectant

Meanwhile, for WIZ 24 Disinfectant Spray Surface & Air with patented PROGUARDTM technology, it effectively kills viruses, bacteria, and fungi on hard surfaces, including elevator buttons, gadgets, or other electronic equipment, as well as soft surfaces, such as sofas, pillows, bags, carpets, curtains, and car seats. This type of disinfectant can also be relied upon to kill micro-sized viruses, bacteria, and fungi in the air. Its formula does not leave any residue, is able to neutralize unpleasant odors, practical because it does not need to be wiped or rinsed, and has a fresh fragrance that provides a fresh sensation in the room.

This is what makes WIZ 24 Disinfectant Spray Surface & Air suitable for cleaning work equipment and air in the room at the workplace. If you want to use WIZ 24 Disinfectant Spray Surface & Air to disinfect the air, simply spray the product evenly on the room surfaces. Once done, leave for a while, wait for about 5 minutes before re-entering, so that the results are more optimal.

The good news is, you can buy WIZ 24 Disinfecting Spray & Clean and WIZ 24 Disinfectant Spray Surface & Air directly and practically through the Wings Official Store available on Shopee, Tokopedia, and Blibli. So, don't underestimate personal and environmental cleanliness anymore, let's start actively breaking the chain of Covid-19 transmission from the nearest clusters to ourselves. Find more information by visiting the Facebook and Instagram accounts @WIZ24Disinfectant or visit






Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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