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Myth or Fact, Can Gambas Vegetables Really Lower Uric Acid? Know the Facts

Myth or Fact, Can Gambas Vegetables Really Lower Uric Acid? Know the Facts Illustration of luffa acutangula or gambas (credit: pixabay/bichvn) - Uric acid, a health issue that often troubles many people, is indeed something to be wary of. This condition arises from the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints, which can trigger inflammation and severe pain that is very disruptive. However, there is good news! Many believe that consuming gambas or oyong vegetables can be a solution to lower uric acid levels in the body.

This belief is not without reason. Gambas vegetables are rich in various essential nutrients, such as vitamin B1, vitamin C, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. This combination of nutrients is believed to help alleviate inflammation, which is the main cause of joint pain due to uric acid.

Not only that, gambas vegetables also contain flavonoids and phenolic acids that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Thus, this vegetable is not only delicious but can also be a loyal companion in alleviating symptoms of uric acid, such as joint pain.

1. Benefits of Gambas Vegetables for Gout Sufferers

Gambas vegetables contain various essential nutrients that are good for body health. Summarized by from various sources on Monday (17/2/2025), in 100 grams of gambas there are:

  • Calories: 20 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 4.35 grams
  • Protein: 1.20 grams
  • Vitamin C: 12 mg
  • Calcium: 20 mg
  • Iron: 0.36 mg
  • Magnesium: 14 mg

From this content, there are several benefits that can be obtained, especially for gout sufferers:

1. Reducing Inflammation in Joints

According to the Scientific Journal Center of Medan Area University, gambas have anti-inflammatory properties due to their flavonoid and phenolic acid content. This content helps relieve pain and inflammation that often occurs in gout sufferers.

2. Low Purine, Safe for Gout Sufferers

One reason why gambas are good for gout sufferers is because of their low purine content. Purines are compounds that can increase uric acid levels in the blood, making it important for sufferers to avoid high-purine foods.

3. Aiding the Body's Detoxification Process

Gambas have a relatively high fiber content. This fiber helps in the process of eliminating toxins from the body, including excess uric acid that can accumulate in the joints.

2. Is Gambas Vegetable Really Effective for Lowering Uric Acid?

Several interesting studies reveal the potential of gambas vegetable in lowering uric acid levels thanks to its charming anti-inflammatory properties. However, to date, there have been no clinical studies that directly prove that the consumption of gambas can lower uric acid levels in the blood.

Although gambas is not included in the list of main vegetables recommended for people with gout—such as spinach, broccoli, potatoes, and eggplant—this food is still considered safe to consume.

Thus, gambas can be an interesting addition to a healthy diet for people with gout, as long as it is combined with other foods that have been proven effective.

3. There is No Strong Scientific Evidence Yet

Although gambas vegetable is often praised in traditional medicine as a uric acid reducer, it is important to remember that these claims are still based on limited information and some preliminary studies. Until now, there has been no comprehensive scientific research that can conclusively prove that gambas vegetable can lower uric acid levels in the blood.

While this vegetable may help alleviate joint pain symptoms, its effects on uric acid levels are not direct. Therefore, incorporating gambas into a healthy diet can be a wise step for managing uric acid, but it should not be considered a primary solution in treatment.

4. Side Effects to Watch Out For

Although generally safe, consuming gambas in excessive amounts can cause several side effects, such as:

  • Increased stomach acid – For those with acid reflux, gambas should be consumed in small portions to avoid discomfort.
  • Can cause diarrhea – The high fiber content in gambas can lead to diarrhea if consumed excessively.

5. Proper Handling of Uric Acid

To optimize the benefits of gambas, here are some recommended dietary patterns:

  • Consume low-purine foods such as green vegetables, sweet potatoes, and carrots.
  • Avoid high-purine foods such as offal, seafood, and red meat.
  • Drink enough water to help eliminate uric acid.
  • Limit alcohol and high-sugar beverages.

Proper treatment for uric acid should still be consulted with a doctor or nutritionist to get a treatment plan that suits each individual's condition. Treatment may involve lifestyle changes, medications, or a combination of both.

Do not rely solely on gambas to manage uric acid. It is important to understand that this vegetable can only help alleviate symptoms, not serve as the main solution for significantly lowering uric acid levels.

6. People Also Ask

1. Is it true that gambas can lower uric acid levels?

Gambas has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve pain caused by uric acid, but there is no scientific evidence that this vegetable directly lowers uric acid levels in the blood.

2. What is the best way to consume gambas for people with gout?

Gambas should be consumed in the form of clear vegetables or soup to maintain its nutrients and make it easy for the body to digest.

3. Are there any side effects from consuming gambas?

If consumed in excess, gambas can increase stomach acid and cause diarrhea.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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