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Opposite Words are Antonyms, Here's the Complete Definition, Types, and Examples

Opposite Words are Antonyms, Here's the Complete Definition, Types, and Examples Illustration (credit: Pixabay) - In Indonesian language lessons, there are various types of definitions, one of which is the definition of opposite words. Yes, opposite words are a lesson that you need to know in making Indonesian sentences. Opposite words themselves have another expression, namely antonyms. In addition to antonyms, there are several other vocabulary in Indonesian language, namely synonyms, homonyms, and antonyms.

All of these vocabularies certainly have different meanings and uses in Indonesian sentences. But before knowing all of them, you must know the definition of opposite words. Therefore, here is the definition of opposite words, types, and example sentences taken from various sources. Let's check it out, KLovers.


1. Definition of Antonyms

To know antonyms or opposites, you need to understand the definition of antonyms or opposites. Generally, antonyms or opposites are a semantic relationship between two units of speech that express opposite, contradictory, or contrasting meanings between each other. Simply put, antonyms are words that have opposite meanings with other words.


2. Antonym Types

It turns out, antonyms have their own types, KLovers. There are even several types of antonyms that we can know. And here are some types of antonyms that you can know:

1. Taxonomic Antonyms

Taxonomic antonyms are absolute contrasting words, for example, the words 'alive' and 'dead'. There is a clear and definite boundary between the words 'alive' and 'dead'. Something that is alive is certainly not dead, and something that is dead is definitely not alive.

2. Polar Antonyms

In polar antonyms, there is not always an absolute contrast. This antonym is relative or gradable. This is because the boundaries of the meanings of one word and another cannot be clearly and definitively determined. For example, the words 'big' and 'small'. A cat will be something small when compared to a goat and will be something big when compared to a mouse.

3. Relational Antonyms

Relational antonyms are a relationship of contrast that is based on a relation. It means that one word appears as a result of another word. For example, husband x wife, buy x sell.

4. Hierarchical Antonyms

Hierarchical antonyms arise from the conflicting meanings between words that are in a linear or hierarchical line. For example, gram x kilogram, tamtama x bintara.

5.Compound Antonyms

And finally, there are compound antonyms. In the Indonesian language, there may be a phrase that has more than one antonym pair. For example, the word berdiri (stand) can have antonyms such as duduk (sit), tidur (sleep), tiarap (lie down), and jongkok (crouch). This is called a compound antonym.


3. Examples of Words in Antonyms

Here are some examples of words in opposition to each other that can be a reference for you in making Indonesian sentences. Here are some examples of these opposing words:

1.Abadi (eternal) >< Sementara (temporary)
2.Abdi (servant) >< Majikan (employer)
3.Abolisi (abolition) >< Pemberatan (aggravation)
4.Ahli (expert) >< Amatir (amateur)
5.Akrab (familiar) >< Canggung (awkward)
6. Bagus (good) >< Jelek (ugly)
7.Bahagia (happy) >< Sedih (sad)
8.Baik (good) >< Buruk (bad)
9.Banyak (many) >< Sedikit (few)
10.Baru (new) >< Lama (old)
11.Bekerja (work) >< Menganggur (unemployed)
12.Cacat (disabled) >< Normal (normal)
13. Reward >< Sin
70.Expert >< Layman
71.Uncle >< Aunt
72.Hot >< Cold
73.Hardworking >< Lazy
74.Giant >< Dwarf
75.Crowded >< Empty
76. Neat >< Messy
77.Copy >< Paste
78.Same >< Different
79.Cause >< Effect
80.Before >< After
81.Sad >< Happy
82.Sharp >< Dull
83. Add >< Subtract
84.Strong >< Vulnerable
85.Catch >< Release

Liquid >< Solid
14.Advanced >< Backward
15.Beautiful >< Ugly
16.Love >< Hate
17.Boy >< Girl
18.Steep >< Gentle
19.Deep >< Shallow
20. Peace >< War
21.Come >< Go
22.Push >< Pull
23.Sit >< Stand
24.Sorrow >< Joy
25.Equivalence >< Differentiation
26.Elastic >< Stiff
27. Epilogue >< Prologue
28.Evolution >< Resolution
29.Fact >< Fiction
30.Physical >< Mental
31.Pawn >< Redeem
32.Dig >< Bury
33.Easy >< Difficult
34. Dark >< Light
35.Fat >< Thin
36.Odd >< Even
37.Present >< Absent
38.Frugal >< Extravagant
39.Life >< Death
40.Beautiful >< Ugly
41. Individual >< Group
42.Fall >< Rise
43.Far >< Near
44.Clear >< Blurry
45.Ugly >< Good
46.Messy >< Orderly
47.Older sibling >< Younger sibling
48. Grandfather >< Grandmother
49.Foot >< Hand
50.Right >< Left
51.Rough >< Smooth
52.Run >< Walk
53.Legal >< Illegal
54.Weak >< Strong
55. Soft >< Rough
56.Wild >< Tame
57.Expensive >< Cheap
58.Forward >< Backward
59.Maximum >< Minimum
60.Capable >< Limited
61.Bulbous >< Flat
62. Independent >< Dependent
63.Go up >< Go down
64.Naughty >< Good
65.National >< International
66.Opponent >< Exponent
67.Authoritarian >< Democracy
68.Dense >< Sparse

4. Examples of Antonym Sentences

And finally, there are examples of sentences for antonyms. These example sentences can be a reference for you to create an antonym or opposite word. Here are examples of sentences for the antonyms:

1.Mother bought a new pair of shoes for my sibling because the old shoes were torn.

2.Father bought the cheapest cellphone among the other expensive options.

3.My older sibling has already showered and smells really good, but you haven't showered yet and smell bad.

4.His older brother is very tall, while his younger brother is short.

5. Meanwhile, this notebook used to be thick, but now it becomes thin because it's torn continuously.

6. When she was a child, she was very ugly, but now she becomes very beautiful.

7. Mother bought a traditional grinder in the modern market.

8. I don't even know which money is real or fake.

9. Don't be sad like that, it's better for us to have fun with friends.

10. When choosing a life partner, we must accept their good and bad.

11. This boxing match is truly unfair, the strong against the weak.

12. Don't choose that packaging because it's wasteful, you should choose the economical one.

13. He is not an honest child because he often lies.

14. Face the reality, don't just dream.

15. Kak Toni is a specialist doctor, while Arjuna is a general practitioner.

That is the definition of antonyms that you can know, along with the types and examples of sentences. Hopefully, the explanation above can become new knowledge for you.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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