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Prayer for Rain and Its Meaning, Self-Protection from Dangers

Prayer for Rain and Its Meaning, Self-Protection from Dangers Illustration (credit: Pixabay) - Prayer is indeed one of the requests made by a person to their God. There are many types of prayers for life, such as for protection, asking for sustenance, and seeking forgiveness. One of them is the prayer for rain, which is a form of gratitude for the blessings bestowed by Allah SWT. In addition, reciting prayers for rain is also to seek protection from Him.

Especially at this time, the rainy season is affecting various regions in Indonesia. Many things happen when heavy rain falls, accompanied by strong winds or lightning. And to keep away from the dangers that may come at any time, there are many ways that can be done. One of them is by doing prayer activities.

READ ALSO: Prayers for Rain and Their Blessings for Muslims

Even in Islam itself, praying when it rains can be a form of self-protection from dangers or a form of gratitude to Allah SWT. Because Allah SWT always protects His servants who always seek protection with a sincere heart. Allah SWT also always provides abundant sustenance when someone is grateful for the sustenance He has given, one of which is in the form of rain.

Therefore, according to various sources, here are some rain prayer that can be a prayer for protection and a form of gratitude to Allah SWT along with their meanings. Let's check it out, KLovers.




1. Prayer for Rain

In Islam, there are many forms of prayer that can be offered by a Muslim. These include prayers while looking in the mirror, entering the bathroom, and praying for rain. It is narrated in Hadith Bukhari number 1032, from Ummul Mukminin, Aisha radhiyallahu 'anha said:

"Allahumma shoyyiban nafi'an."

Meaning: O Allah, send down beneficial rain upon us.


2. Prayer for Heavy Rain

The second one is a prayer for heavy rain. Yes, there is also a prayer when we are faced with heavy rain. There is a story narrated in Hadith Al-Bukhari in the Book of the Beginning of Creation. Based on the hadith narrated by Bukhari, this is the prayer that Prophet Muhammad SAW recited when heavy rain fell:

"Allahumma haawalaina wa laa 'alaina. Allahumma 'alal aakami wal jibaali, wazh zhiroobi, wa buthunil awdiyati, wa manaabitisy syajari."

Meaning: O Allah, let the rain fall around us, not upon us. O Allah, let the rain fall on highlands, mountains, hills, valleys, and places where trees grow.


3. Prayer When It Rains and Thunderstorms

Rain not only comes with wind, but rain usually also comes with thunderstorms which can be dangerous for us. In fact, there are several good prayers that you can do to deal with this. Narrated in the hadith of Imam Malik, Prophet Muhammad SAW recited a prayer for rain accompanied by thunderstorms as follows:

"Subhaanalladzii yusabbihur ro'du bihamdihi wal malaaikatu min khiifatih."

Meaning: Glorified is Allah, whom thunder praises and also the angels out of fear of Him.

Just like wind, thunder is also a mercy from Allah SWT and a sign of His greatness. However, thunder can also be a punishment for humans on this earth. Therefore, you can pray to Allah SWT for protection and goodness from thunder that comes with rain.


4. Prayer When Rain with Strong Wind

In addition, there is also a prayer for rain accompanied by strong wind. This prayer can be a form of protection that we ask from Allah SWT. In one of the hadiths, Imam Muslim narrates that when it rained accompanied by strong wind, Prophet Muhammad SAW recited the following prayer for strong wind:

"Alloohumma innii as-aluka khoirohaa wa khoiro maa fiihaa wa khoiro maa ursilat bih. Wa-a'uudzubika min syarrihaa wa syarri maa fiihaa wa khoiro maa ursilat bih."

Meaning: "O Allah, I ask You for the goodness of this wind, the goodness within it, and the goodness it brings. And I seek refuge in You from the evil of this wind, the evil within it, and the evil it brings."

In addition, there is another hadith from Sayyidina Abu Hurairah ra. Prophet Muhammad said: "I heard the Prophet SAW say: 'Wind is part of Allah's gift, it can bring blessings and also punishment. If you see it, do not curse it, ask Allah for its goodness and seek refuge in Allah from its evil.'"


5. Prayer When the Rain Stops

And the last one is a prayer when the rain stops. Yes, not only a prayer when it rains, but there is also a prayer when the rain stops. And this is a form of human gratitude because Allah SWT has given His mercy through the drops of rain that moisten the Earth. The prayer after the rain stops is narrated in the hadith of Al Bukhari number 1038 and Muslim number 240, the Prophet said:

"Muthirnaa bi Fadh-Lillaahi Wa Rohmatihi."

Meaning: We are given rain because of the grace and mercy of Allah.

Those are some prayers when it rains that can be a prayer of protection or a form of gratitude to Allah SWT. Whatever falls in this world is all the will of Allah, and it is the best thing for humans.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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