Kapanlagi.com - Prayer is one of the mandatory acts of worship in Islam. Prayer is performed by Muslims as a form of obedience to Allah SWT. Prayer is not only a series of physical movements, but also accompanied by prayers that have deep spiritual meanings. One of the prayers recited in prayer is the i'tidal prayer, which is an important part of the prayer recitation.
The i'tidal prayer is a prayer that is recited while standing upright after bowing in prayer. The i'tidal prayer is special because it expresses awareness and recognition of the greatness of Allah and the dependence of humans on Him. The essence of the i'tidal prayer is to declare awareness of the greatness of Allah, recognition of human weaknesses and sins, and a request for forgiveness and guidance from Him in living life.
When performing the i'tidal movement, there are two versions of the i'tidal prayer that can be recited, namely the short version and the long version. Both recitations of i'tidal have equal noble values, so they are equally important for Muslims to know. Well, to know the reading of the second i'tidal prayer and its meaning, just check out the following review:
1. Evidence of the Movement and Prayer of I'tidal

Evidence about the Movement and Prayer of I'tidal (credit: unsplash)
In prayer, i'tidal is one of the pillars. It means that in order for the prayer to remain valid, i'tidal must not be skipped. The importance of i'tidal in prayer is explained in several verses of the Quran and Hadith.
In Surah Al Baqarah, verse 238 of the Quran, it is mentioned that i'tidal or the movement in the middle of the prayer must be done with full concentration. The verse can be translated as:
"Maintain your prayer and (maintain) the middle (i'tidal) of your prayer and establish the prayer with full concentration." (Q.S Al Baqarah, 2:238)
In addition to the Quranic verses, the importance of i'tidal is also directly explained by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through one of his hadiths. In a hadith narrated by Abdullah bin Mas'ud, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Indeed, prayer consists of i'tidal, rukuk, and prostration, so if someone performs i'tidal correctly, then their entire prayer is good, but if not, then their entire prayer is flawed."
2. Prayer of I'tidal

I'tidal Prayer Reading (credit: unsplash)
As mentioned earlier, there are two variations of the recitation of i'tidal, which are long and short. Here is the prayer of i'tidal in prayer for both the long and short versions, which have the same noble meaning:
1. Short Prayer of I'tidal
"Sami'allahu liman hamidah. Rabbana lakal hamdu."
"I hear the one who praises Him. O our Lord, to You belongs all praise."
2. Long Prayer of I'tidal
"Sami'allahu liman hamidah. Rabbana lakal hamdu mil 'us samaawaati wa mil ul ardhi wa mil'u maa syi'ta min syai'in ba'du."
"I hear the one who praises Him. O Allah, O our Lord, to You belongs all praise, as much as the heavens, the earth, and whatever else You will afterwards."
3. Guide to Performing the Correct I'tidal Movement

Guide to Performing the Correct I'tidal Movement (credit: unsplash)
In addition to the prayer reading, the i'tidal movement must also be done correctly. Here is a guide to performing the correct i'tidal movement during prayer:
1. After finishing the bowing, rise back to a standing position properly and firmly. Make sure the body is straight and upright. Do it slowly and calmly. When rising from the bowing position, recite the i'tidal prayer "Sami'allahu liman hamidah".
2. Raise both hands parallel to the ears, like when saying takbiratul ikhram, while reciting the prayer "Rabbana lakal hamdu" or "Rabbana lakal hamdu mil 'us samaawaati wa mil ul ardhi wa mil'u maa syi'ta min syai'in ba'du". Do it slowly and calmly.
3. After reciting the above prayer, lower both hands and rest them on the thighs. Then continue by saying takbir, and perform the prostration movement. Do it slowly and calmly.
Those are some explanations regarding the i'tidal prayer reading and the correct movement guide. Hopefully, it is beneficial, enlightening, and enhances faith as a Muslim. Amen.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.