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Surprised to See These 7 Long-Haired People, You Will Be Deceived by the Ending

Surprised to See These 7 Long-Haired People, You Will Be Deceived by the Ending

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Surprised to See These 7 Long-Haired People, You Will Be Deceived by the Ending

A person with long hair always has a unique beauty aura, but these 7 people with long hair will surprise you and even deceive you with their ending. What are these 7 people who deceive the eyes like? Take a peek.


You must have thought that person was a beautiful woman with long hair, but when you look at the motorcycle's rearview mirror, there's a mustache.

Surprised to See These 7 Long-Haired People, You Will Be Deceived by the Ending

Not all people with long hair sit down when peeing, as proven by this person who pees standing up, KLovers.


Especially this one, already peeing while holding hands, really deceiving.


If you look at this one, they must be a couple, but if you look at their faces, they are both men. Wow, really deceiving.

Surprised to See These 7 Long-Haired People, You Will Be Deceived by the Ending

You must think that the person in the photo is a woman, but actually all four of them are men.

Surprised to See These 7 Long-Haired People, You Will Be Deceived by the Ending

If you look closely, this person is beautiful, with long and nice hair and dimples, but why does he also have a mustache.


The first time you see this photo, you must think it's a woman wearing a towel, but if you look at the face, it's really far from expectations. It changes drastically, KLovers.

9 Photos of Cyndyana Lorens, Kriss Hatta's Sister who became a Garuda Indonesia Flight Attendant

9 Photos of Cyndyana Lorens, Kriss Hatta's Sister who became a Garuda Indonesia Flight Attendant

Cyndyana Lorens has become the talk of the town after her name was mentioned by the Twitter account @digeeembok as one of the flight attendants who has a close relationship with important people in Garuda Indonesia. Kriss Hatta's sibling Kriss Hatta has clarified that she denies having a special relationship with her superiors.

9 Photos of Cyndyana Lorens, Kriss Hatta's Sister who became a Garuda Indonesia Flight Attendant