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The Story of Andy Garcia's Singleness: Panic Over Being Removed from the Family Registration until Looking for a Partner on Valentine's Day and Meeting a Ninja Instead

The Story of Andy Garcia's Singleness: Panic Over Being Removed from the Family Registration until Looking for a Partner on Valentine's Day and Meeting a Ninja Instead Far from the Eyes, Delicious in the Heart - For some people, Valentine's Day is a day full of love. But for Andy Garcia (@garciandyyy), this is a tense day!

Because, Andy who is already in his 30s, was given an ultimatum by his Mom, “If you don’t get a girlfriend on Valentine’s Day, I will remove you from the family registration!

Immediately, Andy panicked to find a partner, until finally Andy saw a sign in the Sedaap Canteen that his soulmate was near.

1. Thought to be a Soulmate, Turned Out to Just be an Imagination

In his search for a soulmate, Andy finally meets Erika, a beautiful literature student at the Sedaap cafeteria, and Andy has already imagined that Erika is the one, sharing bowls of Fried Sedaap Noodles with her. At first, everything feels perfect, until... it turns out Erika is just an imagination! The real figure? Wait, it's E... Riko, not Erika!

Not giving up, Andy moves on to Anya, a high-energy K-Pop Dance student. He had made a hidden message in the Korean Spicy Chicken Sedaap Noodles served, but Anya ends up messing up the noodles. So, Andy cancels expressing his feelings to Anya.

Far in Sight, Close in Heart

Searching for love on Valentine's Day, but why does the ending leave him confused? So who is Andy's soulmate and what happens next in Andy Garcia's Valentine story? Or could there be a more surprising plot twist?!

2. Find the True Ending & Win the Prizes!

Mie Sedaap invites you to become a love detective in the digital campaign "Far from the Eyes, Delicious in the Heart"! Watch the two episodes of the video, solve the mystery, and find the true ending of Andy Garcia's Valentine story. Well, 30 people who successfully find the correct answer will have the chance to win Valentine prizes worth millions of rupiah!

This campaign only lasts until February 28, 2025, so don’t run out of time! So hurry up, watch, solve the mystery, and win the prizes! Still stuck in Andy's false ending? Hurry and find the true ending before it’s too late, okay?

Far from the Eyes, Delicious in the Heart Ep. 1

Far from the Eyes, Delicious in the Heart Ep. 2


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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