Kapanlagi.com - Primbon has become something inseparable from the daily life of Indonesian people, especially the Javanese community. This is because primbon has become a cultural heritage and ancestral belief that has been passed down from generation to generation. Primbon has now rooted itself as a Javanese cultural practice.
Until now, the function of Primbon in Javanese society is still preserved. It is proven that the use of Javanese Primbon can still be found in daily routines, one of which is as a guide in decision-making processes. This is because in general, Javanese Primbon is often seen as predictions. But it's not just predictions, there are many interesting things to know about Javanese Primbon.
To find out more about the ins and outs of Javanese Primbon, let's take a look at the following explanation regarding the understanding and functions of Primbon in society.
1. Understanding Javanese Primbon

Javanese Primbon Book (credit: unsplash)
According to the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), Primbon is a book that contains predictions, calculations of auspicious days, unlucky days, and the like. Primbon is often available in the form of a book that combines various Javanese knowledge, including occult formulas such as symbols, mantras, prayers, and dream interpretations.
Therefore, Primbon is used to determine suitable days for various activities, such as religious ceremonies, house construction, starting a journey, and so on.
Javanese Primbon is not just a means of predicting luck or misfortune. More than that, Javanese Primbon covers various aspects of human life in the world. In the Javanese Primbon book, we can find information about various things, including interpreting someone's character, the meaning of names, career predictions, and even matters of love.
Meaning, the Javanese Primbon book also depicts the journey of human life. From infancy to adulthood, Javanese Primbon records various stages of human life. In Primbon, to go through these stages smoothly and full of goodness, sometimes rituals that need to be performed are explained.
2. The Function of Javanese Primbon to Determine Character
As a cultural heritage that is still closely guarded, we often encounter the use of Javanese Primbon in daily life. In various aspects of daily life, Javanese Primbon has an important role or function for Javanese society.
One of the functions of Javanese Primbon is used to identify someone's character. Interestingly, Javanese Primbon has a special way to identify someone's character based on their date of birth. This calculation involves the Javanese calendar which includes not only the day of the week, but also Javanese pasaran such as Legi, Pahing, Won, Wage, and Kliwon. The combination of 7 days and 5 pasaran will result in 35 days called sepasar. Each pasaran has its own special characteristics.
For example, someone born on Friday Pon is considered to have relaxed, wise, honest, and adaptable traits. However, on the other hand, they can also be less confident and easily influenced. In practice, this calculation is often used to find compatibility of characters in romantic relationships, especially when stepping into marriage.
3. The Function of Primbon in Determining Good and Bad Days

Calculating good and bad days in Javanese Primbon (credit: unsplash)
The use of Javanese primbon in daily life reflects a mixture of cultural traditions, spiritual beliefs, and practical living. Although some are skeptical, many people in Indonesia still see it as an important guide in making major decisions in life.
Therefore, besides identifying someone's character, Javanese primbon also helps in determining good and bad days. This is commonly done for timing-related decision making. Usually, this is done for specific purposes such as determining the most appropriate day to hold an event. For example, to determine a good day for marriage, a good day to build a house, and so on.
Just like identifying character traits, a special calculation is done to determine these good days. The calculation is similar to the one used when analyzing individual traits. This is because each day of the week generally has its own fortune and misfortune. Every misfortune can be avoided with certain rituals or actions.
4. The Function of Javanese Primbon for Observing Seasons
In Javanese Primbon, the calculation of dates and seasons is known as pranata mangsa. Pranata mangsa is a calendar that depicts the 12 seasonal months. However, more than just marking the days and dates, pranata mangsa also provides detailed information about the seasons that occur in each month.
In the past, Javanese people used pranata mangsa to determine the right time for planting for farmers and the appropriate time for fishing for fishermen. In addition, pranata mangsa was also used to warn of the possibility of bad seasons that could bring disasters, so people need to be more cautious.
5. Types of Primbon Books

Types of Primbon Books (credit: unsplash)
As mentioned earlier, Javanese Primbon can now be easily found in the form of books or manuscripts. Not only one, there are several types of Javanese Primbon books with their respective specifications. Therefore, now learning the ins and outs of Javanese Primbon can be done by reading these books or manuscripts.
Here are some types of Javanese Primbon books or manuscripts along with explanations of their contents.
1. Weda Mantra Primbon Book
Inside, there are various discussions that cover occult knowledge, Javanese mantras, and mystical aspects.
2. Bekti Jamal Primbon Book
This book contains predictions, petung addresses, sacrificial rituals, and falak knowledge. In addition, this book also discusses time calculations and other Javanese knowledge.
3. Wejangan Wali Sanga Primbon Book
As the title suggests, this book contains rich advice from the nine Wali Sanga, influential figures in the spread of Islam in Indonesia.
4. Book of Mantra Yoga Primbon
This Javanese Primbon book contains various mantras and prayers along with explanations of their functions.
5. Book of Ranggawarsita's Jangka Primbon
This book contains predictions and explanations of jaka lodhang, as well as calculations of time referring to the kaladitha period.
6. Book of Sabda Amerta Primbon
This book contains calculations of time involving the days of the week (7 days) and the pasaran weton day (5 days), which are used to determine a person's character.
7. Book of Serat Panagguhing Dhuwung Primbon
This book discusses in detail the keris weapon, including its manufacturing process, philosophical value, as well as the mystical and magical aspects related to this weapon. The book also explains how to care for and enhance the power of the keris.
8. Book of Pustaka Raja Primbon
This book contains a collection of specific purpose mantra yoga, such as obtaining supernatural powers or developing supernatural knowledge.
9. Book of Sabda Sasmaya Primbon
This book contains a complete explanation discussing 170 words of advice from Sasmaya.
Those are some explanations of the meaning and functions of Javanese Primbon in society. Hopefully useful, broaden insights, and can answer your curiosity all this time.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.