Kapanlagi.com - English is one of the most popular foreign languages in the world. It's understandable because it's an international language used in various countries. In addition, the popularity of English is also supported by art media such as movies, books, and songs. Through various media, there are many popular English words. Safe is one of them. So, what is the actual meaning of safe?
We often come across the word safe in our daily lives. Not only through dialogues in movies, book texts, or song lyrics, but the word safe also often appears in daily Indonesian conversations. Despite being so popular, the fact is that many people still do not know the meaning of safe in English. If you are one of them, don't worry. Compiled from various sources, here is a discussion about the meaning of safe.
1. Meaning of Safe According to the Dictionary

(credit: unsplash)
In general, the meaning of safe is a condition that can make someone feel secure. However, as mentioned earlier, safe is one of the popular vocabulary words in English. Therefore, the easiest and most accurate way to find out the meaning of safe is to check it in the dictionary. Because, in the dictionary, we not only get the general meaning of safe. We can also find a more in-depth explanation of the meaning of safe.
As reported from the online dictionary.cambridge.com, the word safe is actually classified as an adjective. Furthermore, the meaning of safe in that online dictionary is defined as a condition or situation that is safe and free from danger, something that causes losses, something that is risky.
Furthermore, the word safe can also be used in other contexts, namely to indicate a condition that is being experienced by an object. More specifically, a good and safe condition. Therefore, the word safe is often attached to a place with a certain condition.
In the online dictionary.cambridge.com, it is explained that the meaning of safe is free from danger. In more detail, that online dictionary also mentions that the word safe can be used in various situations. Therefore, it is important to know examples of the use of the word safe in each situation. This will make our understanding of the meaning of safe even more complete.
1. Examples of the use of the word safe in the context of 'not dangerous or may cause harm':
- a safe play area for children
- Is this medicine safe for children?
- Keep your passport in a safe place.
2. Examples of the use of the word safe in the context of 'avoiding something risky':
- I think we should go for the safest option, the one that involves the least risks.
- He never remembers my birthday, so it's a safe bet, he'll forget again this time!
3. Examples of the use of the word safe in the context of 'in good condition':
- He was a safe guy. He was decent, kind and caring, he put others before himself. (Dia adalah pria yang aman.Dia baik, baik dan perhatian, dia menempatkan orang lain di atas dirinya sendiri.)
- "You OK?" "Safe, man," Shaun muttered. ("Kamu tidak apa-apa?" "Aman, Bung," gumam Shaun.)
3. Idioms with the Word Safe

(credit: unsplash)
The word safe in English also appears in the form of an idiom. For those who are unfamiliar, an idiom is a series of words that cannot be interpreted literally. In addition, idioms are often used as a certain form of expression so that their meaning can only be implied. In English, there are several idioms that contain the word safe. Two of them are 'safe and sound' and 'to be on the safe side'.
In both idioms, the meaning of safe still refers to the meaning of 'safe'. However, it is slightly different from the general meaning. This is because idioms must be interpreted as a whole and cannot be translated word for word. So, what do these two idioms mean and how are they used in daily life?
The idiom 'safe and sound' means safe with no injuries or damage. Usually, this idiom is used to describe the condition of an object after experiencing a disturbance or a risky and dangerous event. Here is an example of the use of the idiom 'safe and sound' in a sentence:
- Three days later, the hikers were found safe and sound. (Three days later, the hikers were found safe and sound.)
Meanwhile, the idiom 'to be on the safe side' means a safer situation that is sought by avoiding a risky situation. This idiom is used when looking for a way out or a middle ground in dealing with a problem. Here is an example of the use of the idiom 'to be on the safe side' in a sentence:
- Maybe it won't rain, but to be on the safe side, take your umbrella. (Maybe it won't rain, but to be on the safe side, take your umbrella.)
Those are some brief explanations related to the meaning of safe according to the dictionary. Hopefully, they are useful and can increase your knowledge.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.