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Want to Maximize User Satisfaction, Train Tickets Can Be Booked H-90 Days

Want to Maximize User Satisfaction, Train Tickets Can Be Booked H-90 Days Sosongko - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) extends the period for booking long-distance train tickets. Train tickets can soon be booked 3 months or H-90 before the departure date starting from July 1, 2023.

Meanwhile, starting from Saturday (6/10/2023), tickets can be booked starting from H-45 before the departure date.

Luqman Arif, the Public Relations Manager of PT KAI Daop 8 Surabaya, stated that the maximum booking period was previously H-30 before departure.

"Extending the booking period is an effort to improve KAI's service by providing broader opportunities for the public to plan their train journeys," said Luqman Arif on Friday (6/9).


1. Always Pay Attention to E-Tickets

KAI also urges customers to pay attention to the train departure schedule stated on the ticket or e-ticket. This is in line with the implementation of GAPEKA (Railway Travel Graph) 2023, which has been in effect since June 1, 2023.

In addition, KAI continues to remind all customers to get off at the station as stated on the ticket. If customers are found intentionally getting off at a station beyond what is stated on the ticket, they will be dropped off at the nearest station.


2. Will Always Adapt to Customer Needs

Luqman emphasized that conductors are equipped with the Check Seat Passenger application, so they can identify passengers' identities, seating arrangements, and ticket relations. So when there are 'naughty' passengers who try to get off at a different station, they will be immediately caught by the staff.

"KAI continues to adapt to customer desires and needs. It is hoped that the extension of the ticket booking period will increase public interest in using trains as a safe, comfortable, and healthy mode of transportation," concluded Luqman.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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