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Without Passing Grade, Here Are the Stages and Graduation System for the PPPK 2024 Selection

Without Passing Grade, Here Are the Stages and Graduation System for the PPPK 2024 Selection PPPK 2023 Participants (Credit: Instagram @pppk_indonesia) - The selection of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) in 2024 is here with an exciting innovation! This year, there is a significant change in the assessment and graduation process for participants.

One of the most striking changes is the elimination of the passing grade system or threshold score that has been the standard. Now, participants will be assessed through a ranking method that is fairer and more equitable, focusing on overall competencies.

Assessment is conducted using Computer Assisted Test (CAT), which tests various aspects of ability, from technical skills to interviews. This is a golden opportunity for participants to showcase their best abilities!

For those of you preparing to participate in this selection, it is important to understand each stage, the assessment mechanism, and the graduation system to achieve success. This article will detail all stages of the PPPK 2024 selection process.

Check out the complete information summarized by from various sources, Wednesday (4/12).

1. Why is the Passing Grade No Longer Used?

The 2024 PPPK selection brings a breath of fresh air with the elimination of the passing grade system that has long been a benchmark in the selection process, including in the CPNS tests.

Now, participants will be assessed through a more flexible and comprehensive ranking method, where graduation is determined based on the best results achieved.

This step is expected to reduce the psychological pressure on participants, as they are no longer trapped by a certain minimum score, but instead compete in rankings among all participants.

2. Stages of the 2024 PPPK Selection

The 2024 PPPK selection is ready to be held with two exciting stages that will test the abilities of the participants.

First, participants will undergo administrative selection, where their documents will be carefully examined to ensure all requirements are met.

Next, they will face competency selection consisting of four types of tests: technical competency, managerial, socio-cultural, and interviews, each designed to explore potential and skills relevant to the positions applied for.

After all tests are completed, the results will be processed through a ranking system, where only participants with the highest rankings will be declared graduated, without any minimum score limits.

3. Details of Duration and Weighting of the Competency Test

The 2024 PPPK selection test is carefully designed to comprehensively assess participants' abilities. At the peak of the exam, the technical competency test features 90 challenging questions with a working time of 120 minutes for general participants, providing the highest score weight.

However, the challenges do not stop there; participants must also face managerial tests (25 questions), socio-cultural tests (20 questions), and interviews (10 questions) to achieve success.

For visually impaired participants, this test time is enhanced with additional duration, namely 150 minutes for competency and 15 minutes for the interview.

Each correct answer in the technical test earns 5 points, while incorrect or unanswered questions do not receive any points.

With a maximum total score of 670 points and different weighting for each type of question, participants are required to perform optimally and demonstrate their best abilities!

4. Advantages of the Ranking System in the PPPK Selection

The ranking system is now considered a fairer solution compared to passing grades, as it provides equal opportunities for all participants to compete based on their overall results.

With objective assessments from various types of tests, each participant can showcase their abilities without being constrained by minimum score limits.

Moreover, this system can align the selection results with the specific needs of the institutions, prioritizing the highest-ranked candidates who are most suitable for each position.

Not only that, but ranking also encourages participants to strive harder, making overall results the determining factor for passing, and creating a healthy and transparent competitive atmosphere among them.

5. Optimal Preparation for the 2024 PPPK Selection

To achieve success in the 2024 PPPK selection, participants need to prepare thoroughly and carefully. The key lies in a deep understanding of the types of questions and effective strategies for answering, especially in the technical competency tests which carry the most weight.

Practice with CAT-based questions is highly recommended to enhance speed and accuracy in answering. Additionally, attention should also be given to managerial and socio-cultural tests that assess understanding of work values and organizational culture.

Mental preparation is also crucial, considering the long duration of the test requires high concentration. With the right strategies, participants can increase their chances of achieving the best ranks in this selection.

6. What replaces the passing grade in the PPPK 2024 selection?

The graduation system is now undergoing an interesting transformation with the replacement of the passing grade by a ranking method, where students' success is determined by their position in the test results.

7. What types of tests are there in the PPPK 2024 selection?

This selection process will test various aspects, ranging from in-depth technical competence, strong managerial abilities, to a broad socio-cultural understanding, along with thought-provoking interview sessions.

8. How many questions are there in the PPPK 2024 selection test?

This exam promises an exciting challenge with a total of 145 questions ready to test your abilities. From 90 in-depth technical questions, 25 managerial questions that sharpen leadership skills, to 20 socio-cultural questions that raise awareness, plus 10 interview questions that will test your personality and communication skills.

9. How to pass the PPPK 2024 selection?

Participants will be declared successful if they manage to occupy the top positions in the ranking, which is determined through the combined results of all competency tests that have been taken.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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