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Thariq Halilintar's Smile When Taking a Photo with Aaliyah Highlighted, Netizens: Forced?

Thariq Halilintar's Smile When Taking a Photo with Aaliyah Highlighted, Netizens: Forced?

Video KLY

Swipe Up to See the Video - Indonesian society's enthusiasm for Coldplay's concert is truly extraordinary. There are many artists and influencers who crowded the GBK area to watch Chris Martin and his band. Including Thariq Halilintar and Aaliyah Massaid. Previously, they didn't post much about their togetherness at the Coldplay concert. After a few days of the concert, Thariq Halilintar just posted a photo of him with Aaliyah at the Coldplay concert.It turns out that it has generated a lot of positive and negative responses from netizens. Even the term 'failed to move on' fans from Thariq's previous relationship also haunted the comments section of Thariq's post. They say that his facial expression when taking a photo with Aaliyah looks unhappy. It turns out that it made Thariq unable to bear it and unacceptable, so he finally responded to the netizens' comments with sarcastic words, KLovers.
Mother's Day! Shaloom & Wulan Guritno Exchange Letters, the Contents Turn Out to Be….

Mother's Day! Shaloom & Wulan Guritno Exchange Letters, the Contents Turn Out to Be….

Wulan Guritno's latest film titled TRINIL will be released in January 2024. In this film, the presence of her son, Shaloom Razade, attracts the attention of netizens. It is because the mother and son are playing together for the first time in a film. In celebration of Mother's Day, they both write their hopes and grievances to each other.

Mother's Day! Shaloom & Wulan Guritno Exchange Letters, the Contents Turn Out to Be….