Yayu Unru Passed Away, Several Actors Feel the Loss - Tio Pakusadewo Sheds Tears
Celebrity Death
Unable to Accompany Yayu Unru in His Last Moments, Fatih Unru Weakly Lays at His Father's Grave
Yayu Unru's child is deeply saddened by the departure of his father forever. Read more here...
8 Photos of Fatih Unru, Yayu Unru's Son at the Funeral of the Late Father, Unable to Hold Back Tears
Deep sorrow is felt by Fatih Unru, the father, Yayu Unru passed away.
Having a Great Service in His Career Journey, Marthino Lio Still Can't Believe Yayu Unru Passed Away
Feeling a great loss of someone who has made a big contribution in his life, Marthino Lio can't believe that Yayu Unru has passed away.
Chronology of Yayu Unru's Death, Second Heart Attack in the Morning
What is the chronology of senior actor Yayu Unru's death? Find out more here!
Teacher for Many Actors, This is Yayu Unru's Figure in Tora Sudiro's Eyes
Deep sorrow was felt by Tora Sudiro when he heard the news of Yayu Unru's passing.
Honoring the Great Service of the Late in His Life, 7 Portraits of Tio Pakusadewo at the Funeral Home of Yayu Unru - Offering the Best Prayers
When met at the funeral home in the Pulo Gadung area, East Jakarta, on Friday (8/12), Tio recounted the great service of the late Yayu.
Feeling Lost, This is Yayu Unru's Figure in the Eyes of His Junior Actors
Chicco Jerikho, Reza Rahadian, and Vino G Bastian explain the figure of the late to the media.
10 Portraits of Actor Yayu Unru's Funeral, Unstoppable Tears of Family and Mourners
During the funeral procession, familiar faces from the acting world were present to give their final respects to Yayu.
List of Celebrities who Came to Pay their Respects at the Late Yayu Unru's House, Reza Rahadian to Vino Bastian in Mourning
Here are some celebrities who visited the late Yayu Unru's house to pay their respects.
Before Dying, Yayu Unru's Condition Improved After Experiencing Two Heart Attacks
Yayu Unru's condition apparently improved after experiencing two heart attacks before his death.
Artist Nanie Darham Passed Away Allegedly Becoming a Victim of Malpractice in Liposuction, Here's the Doctor's Response
The doctor responds to the death of artist Nanie Darham allegedly due to malpractice during liposuction.
Portrait of the late Kiki Fatmala when playing as Mariam Si Manis Jembatan Ancol 2, Previously a Favorite Film in her Era
Here are the mementos of the late Kiki Fatmala and her friend who once played in the soap opera Si Manis Jembatan Ancol 2.