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Hidden for a Long Time, Kareena Kapoor's Second Child's Face Revealed

Hidden for a Long Time, Kareena Kapoor's Second Child's Face Revealed Kareena Kapoor © instagram/kareenakapoorkhan - Unlike the birth of their first child, which was immediately made public, Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan have kept all information about their second child tightly under wraps. The baby, born on February 21, 2021, has not yet been introduced to the public at all.

Kareena, who is already active on social media, has not uploaded anything about their second child. Fans of Kareena and Saif are curious to see what the younger sibling of Taimur Ali Khan looks like.

1. Shared by Kareena's Father

However, recently the Indian public was surprised by a post from Kareena's biological father, Randhir Kapoor. Through his Instagram account, the owner of the @dabookapoor account uploaded a photo that is believed to be Kareena's second child.

Randhir placed the photo of the tiny baby next to an old photo of Taimur. However, this post was quickly deleted by Randhir, but unfortunately, screen recordings of it have already spread widely around the world.

2. Kareena Doesn't Respond

However, Kareena did not provide any response regarding the leaked photo that is suspected to be of her second child. She neither confirmed nor denied it.

However, Indian media reports suggest that it seems to be true, the baby in the picture is Kareena and Saif's second child. So, what is the name? Until now, this couple has not announced it to the public.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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