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Experiencing Domestic Violence from Askara Parasady Harsono, Nindy Ayunda's Mother: Her Whole Body is Bruised

Experiencing Domestic Violence from Askara Parasady Harsono, Nindy Ayunda's Mother: Her Whole Body is Bruised Nindy Ayunda: Akrom Sukarya - The marriage between Nindy Ayunda and Askara Parasady Harsono, which has been built since 2011, seems to have come to an end. The end of Nindy and Askara's relationship is suspected to involve allegations of domestic violence. This was also revealed by Nindy's mother, Ratmulyati.

Ratmulyati admitted to having directly seen her daughter's face and body bruised as a result of domestic violence allegedly committed by her son-in-law, Askara Parasady Harsono.


1. Mother of Nindy Testifies Her Daughter Received Domestic Violence

The incident occurred before her son-in-law was arrested by the police for drug abuse and possession of firearms.

"Yes, recently (see Nindy's bruises). On her face and body," said Ratmulyati when met at the South Jakarta Religious Court, Wednesday (7/4).



2. Don't Know When Nindy Started Receiving Domestic Violence

However, Ratmulyati does not know exactly when her child started experiencing domestic violence. It was only after deciding to divorce that her child told everything.

"I don't know (how long the domestic violence lasted) but after that Nindy told me everything," said Ratmulyati.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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