The Madhya Pradesh government may soon take over the property of actor Saif Ali Khan's family, estimated to be worth Rs15,000 crore (around Rp28 trillion). This comes after the suspension of the state-owned historical property in Bhopal, which had been in effect since 2015, was finally lifted. These properties are now under the supervision of the local government.
Several properties owned by Saif Ali Khan, including Flag Staff House, Noor-Us-Sabah Palace, Dar-Us-Salam, Bungalow of Habibi, Ahmedabad Palace, and Kohefiza Property, are currently being further examined by the authorities. These properties are part of the Pataudi family's heritage located in Bhopal.
Saif Ali Khan's Palace Worth Rp28 Trillion Threatened to Be Seized by the Government, Related to "Enemy's Wealth"
On December 13, 2024, the Madhya Pradesh High Court rejected the petition filed by Saif Ali Khan regarding the government notice declaring the Pataudi family property in Bhopal as "enemy property." However, although the petition was denied, the court allowed Saif the opportunity to appeal to the Appellate Tribunal. So far, the Pataudi family has not taken any further action.
The court stated that if any representation is submitted within 30 days, the appellate authority will not consider the deadline and will process the appeal based on the existing substance. Unfortunately, the deadline for filing an appeal has passed without any claims from the Nawab family.
The Madhya Pradesh government had previously announced its plan to acquire properties owned by the last Nawab of Bhopal under the Enemy Property Act of 1968. Under this law, the government is granted the right to confiscate properties that fall under the category of "enemy property."
The Pataudi family, who own properties worth Rs15,000 crore (around 28 trillion rupiah) in Bhopal, is now in a very critical position. Their properties stretch from Kohefiza to Chiklod in Bhopal and are already controlled by Saif Ali Khan and his family, including Sharmila Tagore.
This legal issue began in 2014, when the Enemy Property Custodian Department issued a notice classifying the Pataudi family's property as "enemy property." Saif Ali Khan then challenged the notice in the High Court in 2015 and successfully obtained a temporary stay against the seizure of the property.
Saif's property was categorized as enemy property after the actor's grandfather fled to Pakistan and was subsequently deemed an enemy of the state. Stay tuned for updates from Saif Ali Khan only on, if not now then when?
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