Actor Krisjiana Baharudin held a 'wedding' with actress Angela Gilsha. Not a real wedding, the moment is one of the scenes in the soap opera they starred in. Even so, they are said to look like they are having a real wedding. KLovers, let's take a look at the photos of that 'wedding' here.
8 Photos of 'Wedding' Krisjiana Baharudin & Angela Gilsha, Siti Badriah's Comment Becomes the Spotlight
Celebrity Activities
Krisjiana plays the role of Pasha in the soap opera CINTA BERAKHIR BAHAGIA. He acts alongside Angela Gilsha, who plays Adisty.
It is told that Pasha is an honorable man from a wealthy family. Meanwhile, Adisty is a beautiful girl who almost becomes a sex worker (PSK) to pay off her family's debts.
Pasha & Adisty are said to have fallen in love and eventually got married. This couple is nicknamed Shadis (Pasha & Adisty) by their fans.
Fans are happy that the love story of Pasha & Adisty, filled with twists and turns, ultimately ends happily.
Siti Badriah commented on her husband's post. Sibad mentioned that as a singer, she is ready to perform at Krisjiana's wedding. However, she was not invited.
"Actually, the singer was already ready to perform there, but wasn't invited," wrote Sibad. The comment immediately received likes from almost 2 thousand people.
Krisjiana's job as an actor requires him to be professional when acting alongside anyone, including Angela Gilsha.
Fortunately for Sibad, Krisjiana stated that he would not get involved in a location-based romance with anyone, including Angela Gilsha. Krisjiana admitted that this is something prohibited by his beliefs.
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