The 'Until tomorrow challenge' has been trending lately. Netizens compete to upload their most interesting photos. Celebrities don't want to miss out and join this challenge. What do their photos look like? Let's take a look!
Celebrity Activities
The 'Until tomorrow challenge' has been trending lately. Netizens compete to upload their most interesting photos. Celebrities don't want to miss out and join this challenge. What do their photos look like? Let's take a look!
One of the figures who participated in this challenge early on is the beautiful actress Dian Sastrowardoyo.
Denada chooses to upload a photo of her posing with washing equipment in this challenge.
Meanwhile, Olla Ramlan chooses a photo of herself showing a duck face.
A vintage photo with grayish white color is Donita's choice. Still very cute, right?
Millen herself chooses to upload a photo of her wearing a nude-colored tank top.
Not to be outdone, Raffi-Gigi couple uploads a photo of them acting in a soap opera together during their teenage years.
Meanwhile, Rossa Meldianti uploads a photo when she still had chubby cheeks.
Beautiful photo with bangs uploaded by Siti Badriah.
Meanwhile, Fitri Carlina uploaded a vintage photo when she still liked to wear light make-up.
Lastly, there is Selvi Kitty who looks beautiful with long hair and a super cute outfit!
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