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11 Portraits of Sariyah, Pak Tarno's First Wife, Revealing Facts About Raffi Ahmad's Assistance: I Don't Know Anything

11 Portraits of Sariyah, Pak Tarno's First Wife, Revealing Facts About Raffi Ahmad's Assistance: I Don't Know Anything

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11 Portraits of Sariyah, Pak Tarno's First Wife, Revealing Facts About Raffi Ahmad's Assistance: I Don't Know Anything

Sariyah, the first wife of legendary magician Pak Tarno, finally spoke out regarding the cash assistance given by Raffi Ahmad to her husband some time ago.

When met at her home in the Cilincing area of North Jakarta on Monday (30/12/2024), Sariyah revealed that she was completely unaware of the assistance.

“I don’t know. From Mas Raffi or anyone else, I don’t know, he hasn’t come home again,” said Sariyah firmly when asked for her response about the cash assistance of Rp10 million from Raffi Ahmad.


In fact, she ensured that she did not receive a single cent from that assistance. Sariyah only heard information about the amount of the assistance, but did not receive anything at all.


“Not at all,” he asserted when asked if he received any of that aid money.  


When asked if she ever received a share of the leftover aid that Pak Tarno received, Sariyah admitted she had resigned herself to it. According to her, if given, she would accept it with an open heart, but if not, she would not ask for it either.  


“Well, if I’m given, I’ll take it; if I’m not given, I won’t ask for it. I can still do laundry, I’m still healthy,” she expressed.  


Sariyah added that all this time she has never begged. However, if someone offers assistance, she will accept it as a blessing. One of them is the aid she received from Gus Miftah.


“I don’t want to beg. I accept help from anywhere. This is thank God (received a donation) from Mr. Ustaz Gus Miftah, who also gave basic necessities, thank God for the fortune,” he said.


Sariyah learned about the assistance given by Raffi Ahmad to Pak Tarno from the stories of her neighbors. However, until now, she has never received any part of that assistance.  


“From the neighbors. The neighbors here say that Mas Raffi gave money,” she said.


She also revealed that every time there was assistance given to Pak Tarno, she never received any part at all. “Didn’t get a penny, don’t know anything,” she added.  


When asked about her hopes, Sariyah wished that Mr. Tarno would come home and live with her. She also reminded that she is the one who always took care of Mr. Tarno when her husband had a stroke.


“Rather than renting (Tarno), it’s better to be here where he is still being taken care of, still open. During the first and second strokes, I was the one who took care of him,” she said.