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12 Portraits of Togetherness Between Marshanda and Alyssa, Beautiful Sibling Duo

12 Portraits of Togetherness Between Marshanda and Alyssa, Beautiful Sibling Duo

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12 Portraits of Togetherness Between Marshanda and Alyssa, Beautiful Sibling Duo

Marshanda is one of the artists who is always in the spotlight, whether it's because of her love story or her family. And from there we know that the woman who is familiarly called Caca actually has a younger sister who is also beautiful. Caca and Alyssa are very close and love each other considering their age is not too far apart. What is the togetherness of Caca and her sister like? Check out the following photos..

12 Portraits of Togetherness Between Marshanda and Alyssa, Beautiful Sibling Duo

Some of you must already know that Caca has a beautiful younger sister named Alyssa.

12 Portraits of Togetherness Between Marshanda and Alyssa, Beautiful Sibling Duo

Although not an artist, Alyssa is quite well-known because her face often appears on her sister's Instagram timeline.

12 Portraits of Togetherness Between Marshanda and Alyssa, Beautiful Sibling Duo

Yes, Marshanda loves her sister so much, to the point that she often hangs out and uploads moments of togetherness with Alyssa.


Many say that Marshanda and Alyssa's faces are very similar to each other. It's understandable, as their ages are not too far apart.

12 Portraits of Togetherness Between Marshanda and Alyssa, Beautiful Sibling Duo

Here's proof that Marshanda and her sister have been close and equally beautiful since they were little.


And here's a photo of Alyssa with their mother, Rianti Sofyan. Their mother's beauty truly shines through her two daughters.

12 Portraits of Togetherness Between Marshanda and Alyssa, Beautiful Sibling Duo

In addition to Alyssa, Marshanda also has a younger brother named Adrian Hashfi who recently got married.


For years, Rianti, their mother, raised Marshanda and her siblings all by herself. It's no wonder that their bond as a family is truly strong.

12 Portraits of Togetherness Between Marshanda and Alyssa, Beautiful Sibling Duo

Not just an ordinary hangout, Marshanda and Alyssa have also been seen going on vacations together, even abroad.

12 Portraits of Togetherness Between Marshanda and Alyssa, Beautiful Sibling Duo

Every year, Marshanda never forgets to upload a birthday greeting post for her sister. It may seem simple, but it is a form of her love.


Marshanda is also never ashamed to express warm love messages to Alyssa in every post.

12 Portraits of Togetherness Between Marshanda and Alyssa, Beautiful Sibling Duo

According to KLovers, who do you think is more beautiful, Marshanda or Alyssa? Write your comment!