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Always Ask for Kelon and Massage, Inul Daratista Reveals the Closeness of Adam Suseno and His Son When Going to Sleep

Always Ask for Kelon and Massage, Inul Daratista Reveals the Closeness of Adam Suseno and His Son When Going to Sleep Inul Daratista © Herdianto - Through her Instagram social media, Inul Daratista always gives a romantic atmosphere in her family. Like a while ago, Inul revealed that her true happiness is her only child and the tight hugs and kisses from her husband, Adam Suseno.

However, this time Inul once again reveals her closeness with her husband and also her son, Yusuf Ivander Damares, when sleeping through her Instagram.

1. Ask for Kelon

A few hours ago, Inul just posted a photo of her son hugging Adam while sleeping. In the photo, Inul mentioned that her son always asks for a massage before sleeping.

"Can't you sleep without a hug like that? I envy you. When I sleep, I ask for a massage, it has been a habit since he was a baby until 11 years old. Which one is better, being massaged by mama and papa or being hugged by mama?", the caption on Inul's Instagram says.

2. Getting Closer to Adam

In addition, Inul revealed that her son is closer to Adam because Inul herself cannot meet him for a long time due to her busy work schedule.

"But ... ?? If papa is told that he is being massaged ... being tapped if mama Ivan hasn't slept yet, mama is already dreaming. Since the beginning, he has been close to his father, but his mother works at night, shooting sometimes out of town, and even leaves for home at 2 in the morning, so I give up!! What matters is your happiness and our happiness. Alhamdulillah, good morning from us", the message added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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