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13 Celebrity Transformations with the Most Drastic Chin Changes, Some are Candid about Plastic Surgery

13 Celebrity Transformations with the Most Drastic Chin Changes, Some are Candid about Plastic Surgery (Source: Instagram @mastercorbuzier) - The part of the face that is often altered to enhance beauty and a more attractive appearance is the chin. Changes in the chin often dramatically transform the facial structure of artists, making them look more attractive with a slimmer and sharper face.

As a result, they are often accused of undergoing plastic surgery to achieve a pointed chin. However, plastic surgery is not the only way to achieve such appearance. Currently, there are many specialized facial treatments that can help achieve the desired results, such as fillers, implants, and other treatment procedures.

Here are 13 drastic changes in the faces of celebrities after undergoing various specialized treatments, including changes in their chin.

1. Roy Kiyoshi

Roy Kiyoshi revealed that he had undergone a chin operation to enhance his appearance. At that time, he chose to undergo filler and chin surgery because he was inspired by anime characters with pointed chins.

2. Deddy Corbuzier

Deddy Corbuzier became the center of attention after his chin was highlighted as looking different after a vacation in Thailand. Now, his chin looks sharper and more defined.

3. Bubah Alfian

Bubah Alfian candidly underwent a chin implant to achieve a more perfect facial appearance. In addition, he also admitted to having plastic surgery on his nose.

4. Caren Delano

Caren Delano is someone who cares a lot about her appearance. In fact, many people on social media say that after undergoing plastic surgery, Caren Delano's appearance resembles Ivan Gunawan, especially her sharper chin.

5. Ivan Gunawan

Ivan Gunawan's appearance always attracts attention. He revealed that he has undergone various beauty treatments and surgeries to enhance his facial appearance. His chin also looks more pointed.

6. Tina Toon

Tina Toon now not only has a sharp chin, but also very slim cheeks.

7. Via Vallen

As a singer, Via Vallen also takes care of her face. There is a change in her face which is now slimmer with a sharp chin.

8. DJ Katty Butterfly

DJ Katty Butterfly also undergoes significant transformation in her appearance, especially in the jaw and chin area.

9. Astrid Tiar

Astrid Tiar, a captivating celebrity, was also accused of undergoing plastic surgery due to her increasingly pointed chin. However, what she actually did was just beauty treatments.

10. Asty Ananta

Asty Ananta's appearance looks like a Barbie doll with a sharp chin and slim cheeks.

11. Lesty Kejora

Singer Lesty Kejora's face looks even more charming after undergoing various facial treatments, especially on her chin which is now sharper.

12. Kiky Saputri

Kiky Saputri's figure has also attracted netizens' attention due to her striking appearance change. Currently, her chin is sharper with a slimmer face.

13. Dewi Perssik

Denying having plastic surgery, Dewi Perssik appears even more charming with her sharp chin.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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