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15 Years of Marriage, Peek into the Harmonious and Romantic Portraits of Fathir Muchtar and Fera Feriska - Still Patiently Waiting for a Child

15 Years of Marriage, Peek into the Harmonious and Romantic Portraits of Fathir Muchtar and Fera Feriska - Still Patiently Waiting for a Child Fathir Muchtar and Fera Feriska have been married for 15 years © - Fifteen years have passed since Fathir Muchtar and Fera Feriska decided to get married in September 2006. As their marriage approaches 16 years, Fathir and Fera are still patiently waiting for the arrival of their child. 

In fact, despite not yet having a child, Fathir and Fera are even more affectionate and harmonious. 

1. The love journey of Fathir and Fera began when they were involved in a location love affair while playing roles in the soap opera Jangan Pisahkan Aku.

2. After one year of dating, Fathir Muchtar and Fera Feriska decided to get married on September 10, 2006. The wedding was held at Fera's residence.

3. After 5 years, Fera finally got pregnant. Unfortunately, Fera had a miscarriage.

4. After experiencing a miscarriage in 2011, Fathir and Fera entrusted their pregnancy to the Almighty.

5. Amidst their anticipation, Fathir and Fera become more affectionate each year.

6. Interestingly, at the beginning of their marriage, Fathir and Fera were like heaven and earth.

7. However, as time went by, they eventually found compatibility and continued for 15 years.

8. It is not uncommon for them to spend time together, from traveling, touring, and even acting in soap operas together.

9. Now, their marriage has entered its 15th year. In this not-so-young marriage, Fathir and Fera are becoming more harmonious.

10. It is not uncommon for this couple to make netizens feel emotional and consider them as couple goals.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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