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3 Years of Marriage, Marcell Chandrawinata and Priscilla Deasy Can't Wait to Have a Baby

3 Years of Marriage, Marcell Chandrawinata and Priscilla Deasy Can't Wait to Have a Baby © - The presence of a child in a family is certainly something that every couple looks forward to. And that is what is currently being awaited by Marcell Chandrawinata and Priscilla Deasy.

Married for 3 years, on this Christmas moment, Marcell and Deasy hope and pray to God to be blessed with a child next year.

"We want to add a new member to our family, just pray that I will have a child next year," said Marcell, agreed by Deasy when met at Mall Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta recently.

1. Impatient

Marcell Chandrawinata himself admitted that he is impatiently waiting for his child. Moreover, he is also very curious about the combination between him and his wife.

"I'm curious about how my face will be combined with hers," said the actor of the soap opera Orang Ketiga.

2. The Right Year

The couple who got married in Bali on November 24, 2017, previously took it easy when it came to having children. However, they think that in 2021, it's time for them to have a child.

"Next year is the right moment, hopefully the pandemic will also end soon, so we can have something good," said Marcell.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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