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Not Long Married, Elly Sugigi's Wedding Ring Fell and Lost

Not Long Married, Elly Sugigi's Wedding Ring Fell and Lost Aher and Elly Sugigi / Credit: KapanLagi - Fikri Alfi Rosyadi - Secretly, Elly Sugigi and Aher have already held their wedding, precisely on October 20, 2020. Their wedding was intentionally done in secrecy and far from publicity in Lampung.

Now, after 2 months, Elly and Aher finally announced the happy news in front of the media. However, at that time, Elly's wedding ring was not visible on her finger. The media then asked about it.

"The ring is gone. I forgot where," Elly briefly answered when met by Trans TV on Monday (21/12/2020).


1. Oversized Ring and Falling

Elly's answer certainly made the media more curious. According to Ulfi Damayanti's mother, her wedding ring is too big for her finger, causing it to be loose and fall.

"The ring is indeed oversized, it fell when I got out of the car. The ring weighs 10 grams. I'm still dizzy from losing it," said the woman who used to be a paid audience coordinator.

2. Fake Marriage?

As it is known, there have been rumors that the marriage between Mpok Elly and Aher is just a setup. In fact, this news was revealed by their own child, Ulfi. However, Elly insists that their fifth marriage is indeed real.

"Her finger shrank, so the ring became oversized," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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