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3 Years of Marriage, Portrait of Nora Alexandra and Jerinx SID's Troubled Household

3 Years of Marriage, Portrait of Nora Alexandra and Jerinx SID's Troubled Household

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3 Years of Marriage, Portrait of Nora Alexandra and Jerinx SID's Troubled Household

After getting back together after a year of separation due to prison, the marriage of Jerinx SID and Nora Alexandra is reportedly cracking. It all started with Jerinx, who is allegedly causing trouble again, even making Nora ask for a separation.

Just celebrated their 3rd anniversary, here is a portrait of Jerinx and Nora's household, which is reportedly on the rocks.


Last October 2022, Jerinx SID and Nora Alexandra just celebrated their 3rd anniversary. This couple, who got married in 2019, is so romantic.


This anniversary celebration coincided with Nora Alexandra's 28th birthday on November 12, 2022. However, unfortunately, it seems like this will be their last party.


Previously, it was reported that Nora and Superman Is Dead's drummer's marriage was not going well. It all started with Nora's post about wanting to be released.

3 Years of Marriage, Portrait of Nora Alexandra and Jerinx SID's Troubled Household

In the post that she has since deleted, Nora seemed tired of what her husband was doing. It is suspected that Jerinx has misbehaved again.


Whatever it is, Nora feels that Jerinx has not changed despite experiencing the coldness of prison twice.

3 Years of Marriage, Portrait of Nora Alexandra and Jerinx SID's Troubled Household

Not only that, the news of the cracks in Nora and Jerinx's marriage is further strengthened by Nora who has deleted photos with her husband.


Their moments together are still neatly and sweetly stored only on Jerinx SID's Instagram. Meanwhile, on Nora's Instagram, everything has disappeared.


In addition, Nora no longer follows Jerinx SID's Instagram account. This moment has made many people suspect that Nora and Jerinx's relationship will end. What do you think, KLovers?