Looking at herself now, you might not believe that Natasha Wilona once hit rock bottom in her life. She used to live in a wooden shack with quite a pitiful condition.
What was her story? Find out more here.
Unique Celebrity Facts
Looking at herself now, you might not believe that Natasha Wilona once hit rock bottom in her life. She used to live in a wooden shack with quite a pitiful condition.
What was her story? Find out more here.
Together with her mother, Natasha Wilona mentioned that her life was quite difficult when she was still living in Banjarmasin.
Her mother, Theresia, mentioned that they used to live in a house made of wood, with a rent of only 2 million rupiahs per year.
The condition of the house was distressing. The floor and walls were full of holes, and Natasha even referred to the house as a shack.
She had to sleep under a mosquito net because of the abundance of mosquitoes, and she had to be afraid every time she went to the bathroom because it was dark and there were many small rats roaming around.
Natasha said that the moment was the lowest point in her life. She has now risen and has a more decent life.
They used to be in need, but fate brought them to a life of sufficiency.
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