A while ago, Ashanty and her family were shocked by the news that Suteng, Arsy Hermansyah's nanny, had uterine tumor. Suteng then underwent a 10-hour surgery. Let's take a look at her condition after the surgery!
Celebrity Activities
A while ago, Ashanty and her family were shocked by the news that Suteng, Arsy Hermansyah's nanny, had uterine tumor. Suteng then underwent a 10-hour surgery. Let's take a look at her condition after the surgery!
Before undergoing the surgery, Suteng continued to recite prayers. A tasbih never left her fingers.
During the surgery, Suteng required 3 bags of blood. She underwent a 10-hour operation and experienced bleeding.
When the operation was finished, she was immediately taken to the observation room. Apparently, there were many tumors in Suteng's uterus that needed to be removed.
Initially, based on the results of the previous ultrasound, there was only one large tumor measuring 14cm in Suteng's uterus. However, during the operation, it turned out that there were many small tumors in her uterus.
After the operation, Suteng is still unconscious. She is still asleep because the effects of anesthesia have not worn off yet. She looks so weak and sleepy.
According to one of Ashanty's assistants, Suteng briefly opened her eyes but seemed unable to stay awake for long. She fell back into a deep sleep.
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