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7 Hilarious Portraits of Ayu Dewi Seeing Maxime Bouttier's Romance with Luna Maya: Participating in Fading and Mleyotting

7 Hilarious Portraits of Ayu Dewi Seeing Maxime Bouttier's Romance with Luna Maya: Participating in Fading and Mleyotting Hilarious Portraits of Ayu Dewi Seeing Maxime Bouttier's Romance with Luna Maya (Credit: Instagram/mrsayudewi) - As a friend, Ayu Dewi can be said to often witness the romance between Luna Maya and Maxime Bouttier. Not only in special moments like birthdays or vacations, they have become more open in displaying their affection in front of the camera.

Seeing how romantic Maxime Bouttier is with Luna Maya at work, Ayu Dewi can't help but make a mupeng face. She also admits to being mleyot seeing their interaction.

So, what are Ayu Dewi's hilarious portraits when she sees Maxime Bouttier's romance with Luna Maya? Let's find out more information below.

1. Hilarious Portraits of Ayu Dewi

In addition to being a presenter, actress, and model, Ayu Dewi is also known as a public figure with a unique funny style. Recently, Ayu Dewi shared a video of her working with Luna Maya. The hilarious portrait of Ayu Dewi when she saw the affection between her friend and her lover immediately became the center of attention.

2. Seeing the Romance of Maxime Bouttier and Luna Maya

This is the moment Ayu Dewi saw the romance between Maxime Bouttier and Luna Maya. When the two of them arrived, Ayu Dewi was getting her makeup done by several makeup artists. However, she admitted that she immediately melted watching the intimate scene in front of her.

"Even though I was fully made up, I still melted watching Luna Maxime," wrote Ayu Dewi in her Instagram post.

3. More Open in Front of the Camera

Luna Maya and Maxime Bouttier have been rumored to be close in the past few months. Now, they are seen more openly showing affection in front of the camera. Not only on special occasions like birthdays or vacations, but they also show off romantic moments during their daily activities.

4. Accompanying to Work

Their romance is evident when Maxime Bouttier accompanies Luna Maya to work. Not only at the gate, the 30-year-old actor even accompanies his girlfriend to the makeup room, KLovers! Ayu Dewi, who was there, immediately commented.

"I only need 15 minutes, just to accompany Luna," Maxime said to Ayu Dewi.

"Why drop in outside, at the gate? Why do you drop in inside?" Ayu Dewi asked.

5. Affectionate Hug

Not only escorting, Maxime Bouttier is also still hugging Luna Maya at the makeup place. Ayu Dewi couldn't stop staring at the two of them who are intoxicated with love. Until now, Luna Maya and Maxime Bouttier are known as a harmonious couple who both have charming looks.

6. Ayu Dewi Also Fades and Melts

As an eyewitness to Maxime Bouttier's romance with Luna Maya, Ayu Dewi admitted that she also fades and melts. The wife of Regi Datau couldn't stop staring at them with a longing face.

"Who else is fading and melting" wrote Ayu Dewi as the caption.

7. Netizens Also Get Excited

Apparently, not only Ayu Dewi was amazed by Maxime Bouttier's romantic gesture towards Luna Maya. Through the comments section of the post, it is known that many netizens also find it adorable. Maxime Bouttier and Luna Maya are also supported if they want to continue their relationship to a more serious level.

Well, KLovers, those are the funny portraits of Ayu Dewi seeing Maxime Bouttier's romance with Luna Maya, who admitted to being amazed.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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