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Bella Shofie's Moment Pranking Her Assistant to Go on Umrah, Initially Panicked and Ended Up Crying

Bella Shofie's Moment Pranking Her Assistant to Go on Umrah, Initially Panicked and Ended Up Crying Bella Shofie's Moment Pranking Her Assistant to Go on Umrah (credit: instagram/bellashofie_rigan) - Bella Shofie is currently performing the umrah pilgrimage in the Holy Land. However, there is something special about Bella Shofie's umrah pilgrimage this time. It turns out that Bella Shofie invited her Household Assistant (ART) to perform the pilgrimage together.

In her Instagram post, Bella Shofie shared the moment when she invited her assistant to go on umrah. Interestingly, instead of directly inviting her, Bella pranked her assistant by pretending that she would be fired.

Curious about what Bella Shofie's moment was like when she pranked her assistant to go on umrah? Let's take a look at some of the pictures below.



1. Pranked and Will Be Fired

Bella Shofie shared a moment when she pranked her domestic helper in one of her Instagram posts. In that moment, Bella invited the domestic helper to have a private conversation. In her prank scenario, Bella mentioned that she would fire the domestic helper due to her old age.



2. Causing Panic to the Domestic Helper

Upon hearing the employer's statement, Bella Shofie's domestic helper appeared panicked and tense. Bella Shofie's domestic helper also expressed her feelings of joy working with Bella's family. The domestic helper also expressed her love for Danillo, Bella Shofie's child whom she has been taking care of.



3. Tense Atmosphere

The atmosphere became even more tense when Bella Shofie revealed that the intention to fire the domestic helper actually came from her husband. In the midst of the tense atmosphere, Bella Shofie seemed to be trying to hold back her laughter.



4. Revealing the Truth Through a Letter

Bella Shofie gives her ART a letter claimed to be written directly by her husband. However, instead of a dismissal letter, the message in the letter reveals that Bella will invite the ART to perform Umrah.



5. Emotional Atmosphere

Instantly, the tense atmosphere disappears and turns into an emotional one. Bella Shofie's ART also cannot hide her happiness. As if in disbelief, Bella Shofie's ART even asked her employer about the seriousness of the Umrah invitation.



6. Expressing Gratitude

After Bella Shofie confirmed the authenticity of the invitation, the ART's happiness became uncontrollable. The middle-aged woman immediately expressed her gratitude while hugging Bella Shofie.



7. Full of Warmth

Instantly, the atmosphere in the room where Bella Shofie pranked her ART became full of warmth. Bella and her ART tightly embraced each other. The closeness between the employer and the ART has successfully received a lot of praise from netizens.



8. The Child Also Fell for the Prank

But it didn't stop there, shortly after, Bella Shofie's son, Danillo, entered the room. Danillo then became Bella Shofie's next target for the prank. Bella told Danillo that his nanny would be going back to her hometown. At that moment, Danillo burst into tears.

Sincerely, the ART hugged Danillo to calm him down and stop crying. The closeness between Bella Shofie's son, Danillo, and his nanny also caught the attention of netizens.

Those are some snapshots of the moments when Bella Shofie pranked her ART and invited her to Umrah. Have a safe journey for your Umrah, Bella Shofie!





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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