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7 Photos of Desta Trying Snowboarding, Falling Multiple Times: Looks Easy but Turns Out It's Hard

7 Photos of Desta Trying Snowboarding, Falling Multiple Times: Looks Easy but Turns Out It's Hard Photos of Desta snowboarding (credit: - Desta recently tried snowboarding while on vacation in Japan. Interestingly, this presenter admitted it was his first time snowboarding.

Through his personal social media account, Desta shared exciting moments from his vacation in Japan. The member of The Dudas Minus One also tried snowboarding, which is famous in Japan. While trying it, Desta fell repeatedly on the snow.

The man born in 1977 admitted that snowboarding is not just an easy sport but requires extra practice. Nevertheless, Desta does not give up and keeps trying even though it requires effort. For more details, check here KLovers.

1. Snowboarding for the First Time

Desta begins his new adventure by wearing complete gear. A thick dark green jacket, a black helmet, and ski goggles complete his look as he goes snowboarding. He looks ready to conquer the snowy slopes, even though this is his first experience.

"DAY 1 learning a foreign sport, snowboarding." Desta writes as in the caption @desta80s.

2. Learning with Friends

Before starting his action, Desta is seen practicing balance on a gentle slope. He tries several times with the help of his friend. Apparently, Desta is learning from a colleague who is also snowboarding in Japan. Several people are also snowboarding in the same area as Desta.

3. Utilizing the Chair Lift to Reach the Summit

One of the photos uploaded by Desta shows him riding a chair lift to a higher ski trail. He seems to be enjoying the view from the height, complete with attire for snowboarding. Although the air temperature is quite cold, Desta remains enthusiastic about trying this new challenge.

4. Initially Unbalanced

Desta tries to stand on the snowboard while gliding over a pile of snow. He admits that mastering the snowboard is not as easy as it seems. Although it looks easy, it actually requires balance and specific techniques. Desta is striving to stand upright on the snowboard.

5. Falling Multiple Times in the Snow

On the first day, Desta had difficulty keeping his balance. He fell quite hard on the snow several times. Instead of giving up, Desta became even more motivated. He kept trying to stand and glide, despite falling repeatedly. Many internet users left funny comments on his latest post about snowboarding.

"Why does falling hurt so much? It looks easy but actually, IT'S HARD," he expressed.

6. Day Two: Starting to Control the Snowboard

On the second day, Desta tried snowboarding again. This time, he showed significant improvement. Desta was starting to glide more steadily and control his snowboard better. He also shared a moment when he successfully braked. Desta's progress in learning to snowboard on the second day received a flood of positive responses from internet users.

"DAY 2, pretty good, I can glide and brake now," said Desta.

7. Successfully Gliding Well

Despite falling multiple times, Desta did not lose spirit. He finally managed to glide on the snowboard well. The video shows Desta successfully gliding at a low to moderate speed recorded in his latest post. In fact, he managed to pass several people in front of him while gliding. However, he successfully performed a stop.

That is a portrait of Desta trying snowboarding for the first time. Follow the latest celebrity news only on If not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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