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Bernadya's Big Dream to Share the Stage with Tulus Will Soon Come True at KapanLagi Buka Bareng BRI Festival 2025

Bernadya's Big Dream to Share the Stage with Tulus Will Soon Come True at KapanLagi Buka Bareng BRI Festival 2025 Tulus and Bernadya will perform at KLBB 2025 (KapanLagi/Adrian Utama Putra) - KapanLagi Buka Bareng BRI Festival 2025 will soon be here to accompany your Ramadan month. A lineup of top musicians from the country is confirmed to entertain you for 2 consecutive days, specifically on March 15 and 16, 2025, at the East Parking Plaza of GBK, Jakarta.

Among the performers, there is Bernadya's name, which is certainly highly anticipated by fans. It's no surprise, as this beautiful girl with a golden voice has dominated the local music industry with her hit singles like Satu Bulan, Untungnya, Hidup Harus Tetap Berjalan, and many more.

Bernadya is scheduled to perform on Day 1 of the KLBB BRI Festival 2025 on March 15, 2025. And it turns out there are some unique facts behind Bernadya's upcoming performance!

1. Bernadya's Big Dream

Besides Bernadya, another name that fans are eagerly waiting for at KLBB 2025 is Tulus. And it turns out that not only you, Bernadya is also a huge fan of the singer of the song Gajah!

"I've liked Tulus since I was in elementary school. Imagining being at the same event, sharing the stage with him feels like beyond my dream. My dream is pretty big, but this is even bigger," said the girl whose real name is Bernadya Ribka Jayakusuma during a media visit to the office recently.

2. New Experience Performing During Ramadan

Another interesting fact, this is Bernadya's first time performing during the month of Ramadan. So, KapanLagi Buka Bareng BRI Festival 2025 will be a new and unforgettable experience for the 20-year-old girl.

"We're performing during Ramadan, right? This is my first time, so I can't really imagine what the festival atmosphere will be like during Ramadan. I don’t know, I can’t picture it, but I hope it will be enjoyable," she added enthusiastically.

3. Line-up That Amazes Bernadya

Not only Bernadya and Tulus will perform at this festival, but the line-up of other musicians is also equally interesting. There are Nadin Amizah, Sal Priadi, Hindia, Feast, Reality Club, Juicy Luicy, Perunggu, Teddy Adhitya, V1RST, and Christie. Bernadya couldn't hide her pride in being able to perform among such big names.

"The line-up is really cool, a lot of people mentioned me about that line-up. When I looked again, wow, it's really amazing. It's like I'm among those cool people, it seems fun. I feel honored. Thank you, friends," she said with gratitude.

4. Buy the Tickets Before They Run Out!

For those of you who can't wait to see Bernadya and other musicians perform, tickets can be purchased through the official site For users of BRI Virtual Account, BRI Debit Card, and BRI Credit Card, there is an attractive discount of 50%. This is an opportunity not to be missed!

"Hi, I'm Bernadya, don't forget to watch me at KapanLagi Buka Bareng Festival Day 1 on March 15, 2025. Don't forget to buy the tickets at If not now, when?" she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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